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摘要Message by Audrey Azoulay for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15224.html



11 February 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15224.html



At a time of climate change, green transition and the emergence of new technologies, the world needs more science; but science also needs more women.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15224.html




Yet it is at these crucial moments for our future, when scientists are particularly needed, that gender inequalities in science are most keenly felt.




According to the latest UNESCO Science Report, women currently make up only a third of scientists and 37% of ocean science professionals. In all scientific fields women face a glass ceiling.




We must realize, however, that society as a whole – and not just women – suffers from these inequalities, because fewer scientists also means fewer scientific innovations, fewer medical discoveries and less sustainable development.




Therefore, on this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, UNESCO would like to draw the international community’s attention to these profound imbalances and invite it to seize the opportunity offered by the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (2024-2033) to strengthen scientific culture in society by focusing in particular on the training of girls and women.




Without delay, and as of now, UNESCO is taking action in the field to promote and recognize the talent of women researchers.




One example is our flagship L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Programme. The year 2023, which marked the Programme’s 25th anniversary, was an opportunity to pay tribute to the 127 laureates and 3,900 young scientists from 115 countries whom the L’Oréal-UNESCO Prize “For Women in Science” has promoted since its inception. Among them, two researchers were recently awarded Nobel Prizes: Franco-Swedish physicist Anne L’Huillier, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, and Hungarian-American biochemist Katalin Karikó, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. UNESCO strongly applauds them both once again.


这正是我们与欧莱雅合作开展妇女与科学旗舰计划的意义所在。2023年是该计划设立25周年,我们借此机会向欧莱雅—教科文组织妇女与科学奖自设立以来给予支持的来自 115个国家的127名获奖者和3900名青年科学家致敬。她们当中有两人于近期荣获诺贝尔奖:一位是获得诺贝尔物理学奖的法国/瑞典物理学家安妮·吕利耶,另一位是获得诺贝尔医学奖的匈牙利科学家卡塔琳·考里科。教科文组织再次向她们致以热烈的祝贺。


Women’s access to scientific careers, however, starts well upstream, from the first years of schooling. Every day, UNESCO is committed to breaking down stereotypes and self-censorship, boosting girls’ self-confidence and giving them a scientific culture and education from primary and secondary school onwards.




This is the aim of our partnership with the University of the West Indies (UWI) in Jamaica: together, we have launched the “UNESCO-UWI Walking in Her Footsteps” mentorship programme in science and technology for Jamaican secondary schoolgirls. In addition, through the Capacity Development for Education Programme (CapEd), we have already trained over 2,000 women teachers in science and gender issues in Burundi, Niger and Uganda.




To conduct its work, UNESCO can also draw on the Recommendation on Open Science, unanimously adopted in November 2021 by our Member States, which underlines the urgent need to make science education more accessible and inclusive, particularly with regard to women. To date, 11 countries have incorporated the principles of this Recommendation into their national science policies.




In the same vein, UNESCO is helping 10 countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America to apply the principles of the Recommendation in their laws and scientific and educational policies.




On this International Day, society as a whole must unite in support and appreciation of the women and girls who are breaking the glass ceiling, embarking on scientific careers, and moving the world forward through their research.



  • 版权声明 本文源自 UNESCO , sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年2月11日 01:30:00