
摘要Full Text: Food Security in China


I. China’s Achievements in Ensuring Food Security文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/7984.html




With one fifth of the world population, China accounts for a quarter of total global food production. China is self-reliant in securing its own food supply; its people now have not only enough to eat, but also a greater range of choices. Compared to past times when they were underfed, this historical change has been made possible by the Chinese themselves through hard work and development. It is also a key contribution to world food security.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/7984.html




1. Steady growth in food output文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/7984.html




– Per capita food output remains above the world average. Currently China’s per capita food output is around 470 kg, growing by 14 percent from 414 kg since 1996 when China published its first white paper on food – The Grain Issue in China, and by 126 percent from 209 kg in 1949, when the PRC was founded. This is higher than the world average.




– Per unit yield has significantly increased. The average food yield per hectare is as follows:


  • more than 5,000 kg in 2010;


  • 5,621 kg in 2018, an increase of 1,138 kg, or 25 percent, over 1996.


– The yields per hectare for rice, wheat and corn in 2017 are as follows:


  • 6,916.9 kg, up 11.3 percent over 1996, 50.1 percent higher than the world average;


  • 5,481.2 kg, up 46.8 percent over 1996, 55.2 percent higher than the world average;


  • 6,110.3 kg, up 17.4 percent over 1996, 6.2 percent higher than the world average. 





– Total food output has seen a steady increase. China’s total food output surpassed


  • 550 million tons in 2010,


  • 600 million tons in 2012,


  • 660 million tons in 2015,


  • 650 million tons for four years from 2015.


In 2018, the figure was near 660 million tons, up 30 percent over 1996 (500 million tons), the year China published its first white paper on food security, 116 percent over 1978 (300 million tons), the year of the launch of China’s reform and opening up, and by nearly 600 percent over 1949 (110 million tons), the year the PRC was founded.


Over the years, food output each year has fluctuated within a range of ±6 percent, with the exception of a few years.




2. Self-sufficiency in grain supply




– China is self-sufficient in grain supply. In 2018, the grain output was 610 million tons, accounting for more than 90 percent of total food output, and growing by 160 million tons over 1996. Currently China supplies 95 percent of its own needs for grain, laying down a solid material foundation for maintaining national food security, promoting socioeconomic development, and safeguarding long-term peace and stability.




– China ensures absolute security of staple grains. In 2001-2018, soybean accounted for 75.4 percent of imported grains, and the two main staple grains of rice and wheat together accounted for less than 6 percent. In recent years, with rice and wheat output meeting domestic needs, China is fully self-sufficient in food supply, and the main driver of food imports and exports is to satisfy the need for variety. China makes sure it relies on itself for food supply.




3. Greater food reserve capacity




– Food storage is further modernized. In 2018, the storage capacity of qualified grain warehouses was 670 million tons, and that of simple warehouses was 240 million tons. Total effective warehouse capacity grew by 31.9 percent over 1996. The total tank capacity for edible oils was 28 million tons, a seven-fold increase over 1996. China has built new modern grain storage facilities and renovated old ones, further increasing storage capacity. With the facilities’ functions also improved, China has secured a continued increase in its food storage capacity, generally reaching world advanced levels.




– Logistics capacity has increased markedly. In 2017, the total volume of food transported reached 480 million tons, including 230 million tons of interprovincial transport. All major channels of food logistics have been integrated to form a multimodal transport network composed of highways, railways and waterways. Food logistics now involves more unprocessed grain, bulk grain, and finished grain products transported by container. The efficiency of food logistics has seen steady improvement. 




– Grain reserves and emergency response systems are improving. The government has sufficient and quality food reserves, with secured storage. Emergency food reserves for 10-15 days are available in large and medium-sized cities and areas prone to price fluctuation. A network of emergency reserves, processing and distribution is in place, with outlets to supply sub-districts and communities in urban and rural areas. These play an important role in response to natural disasters such as earthquakes, sleet, snowstorms, and typhoons, as well as public emergencies. 

  • 版权声明 本文源自 国新办sisu04 整理 发表于 2019年10月14日 23:58:26