
摘要Remarks by Wu Jianghao at the Opening Ceremony of the Second International Seminar on Counterterrorism


因应国际反恐大变局 共谱反恐合作新篇章文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12750.html

Adapt to Changes in International Counterterrorism Landscape and Join Hands to Write a New Chapter for Counterterrorism Cooperation文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12750.html



– Remarks by H.E. Wu Jianghao, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, at the Opening Ceremony of the Second International Seminar on Counterterrorism文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12750.html



Beijing, 22 December 2021文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12750.html





Ladies and Gentlemen,




It gives me great pleasure to attend the second International Seminar on Counterterrorism. On behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, I wish to give my congratulations on the convening of the seminar, and welcome the representatives, experts and scholars from all countries. I also wish to thank the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations for putting this event together.




One year ago at the first seminar, the participants discussed the trend of international counterterrorism cooperation, and explored ways to tackle global counterterrorism challenges. The event helped build consensus and synergy, and demonstrated our shared resolve and commitment. Now, at the end of the year, the participants are once again meeting on the “cloud” to share their insights on the new developments and challenges of counterterrorism and jointly look for solutions, which makes the event most timely and relevant.




The year 2021 has witnessed the resurgence of international terrorist activities. The inward-looking counterterrorism strategies of certain countries have weakened the momentum of international cooperation. Some countries are confronted with economic and livelihood challenges and escalating social tensions, which make them vulnerable targets of terrorist forces. A few countries have turned counterterrorism into a political tool, making groundless accusations against the legitimate counterterrorism and deradicalization measures taken by the international community. They have even exploited terrorist forces to advance their own geopolitical interests, which will only fuel the resurgence of terrorism.


20年的阿富汗战争给阿人民带来深重苦难,也给各种恐怖势力在当地生存活动创造了条件。今年以来阿富汗局势发生重大变化,“伊斯兰国”、基地组织、“东伊运”等恐怖组织正在利用地区乱局扩充势力、渗透作乱。有国家出于政治私利,企图为“东伊运”洗白摘帽。“东伊运” 是联合国安理会1267委员会列名的恐怖组织,一直活动猖獗,不仅严重危害中国的安全稳定,也是国际社会的现实威胁。希望各国充分认清该恐怖组织的暴恐本质,同中国一道继续予以坚决打击。


Two decades of war in Afghanistan has brought tremendous suffering to the Afghan people and also provided the breeding ground for all kinds of terrorist forces. This year, the situation in Afghanistan has drastically changed. Terrorist groups including ISIS, Al-Qaeda and ETIM have been using the chaos in the region to expand their presence and stir up troubles.


Out of their own political interests, certain countries have attempted to clean the name of ETIM, a terrorist organization listed by the 1267 Committee of the UN Security Council. This active terrorist group not only seriously endangers China’s security and stability, but also poses a real threat to the international community. It is hoped that all countries will fully recognize the violent and terrorist nature of ETIM, and work with China to resolutely crack down on the group.




The new threats and new challenges in the counterterrorism field call for high vigilance. Emerging technologies are being abused by terrorist forces. The use of cyberspace has made terrorist activities more covert and unchecked, and pushed terrorism closer to organized crimes.


In countries with polarized politics, ripped societies, and rising populism and xenophobia, violent attacks targeting people from specific ethnic groups, social classes and religions are increasing. Far-right ideologies such as white supremacy and anti-immigrants are running into conflict with Islamist extremism, leading to a vicious circle of terrorist attacks and hatred. These new threats and new challenges have added to the difficulties of preventing and combating terrorism, and the international community needs to step up efforts to study and manage the new situation.





Ladies and Gentlemen,




In the face of constant terrorist threats, we need to draw experience and lessons from history, uphold the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable global security, and strengthen global dialogue and cooperation on counterterrorism. We need to pool our efforts, follow a multi-pronged approach, and join hands to address these new threats and new challenges of terrorism.




First, we need to foster the awareness of a community with a shared future. There is no safe haven or Shangri-la in the face of terrorism. Solidarity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon to defeat terrorism. Counterterrorism should not become a tool of major-country rivalry or a leverage in geopolitics, still less an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. We must abandon ideological biases, oppose double standards on counterterrorism and reject linking terrorism with specific countries, ethnicities or religions. We need to support the counterterrorism and deradicalization efforts of all countries and build a global united front against terrorism. The lessons of the boomerang effect are still fresh in memory, and must be learned by heart.




Second, we need to underscore the central role played by the UN. Counterterrorism issues are complex and intricate. What is needed is to uphold and practice true multilateralism, and rise above small-circle and zero-sum mentalities. The purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be truly observed, the central and coordinating role of the UN in global counterterrorism must be fully ensured, and UN Security Council resolutions must be strictly enforced. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy. We need to seize this opportunity to push for full implementation of the strategy, and gather stronger synergy for the global counterterrorism campaign.




Third, we need to strengthen capacity building in developing countries. Many developing countries are at the forefront of the battle against terrorism, and bearing the brunt of the terrorist scourge. We need to help developing countries and countries on the counterterrorism front line to further enhance their counterterrorism and deradicalization capability and build robust protection across the line of defense. We need to listen more to the positions and demands of these countries on counterterrorism and formulate a global counterterrorism strategy that is more relevant to the situation on the ground and targeting real problems.




Fourth, we need to follow the principle of addressing both symptoms and root causes. Counterterrorism is a complex, challenging and systemic project. Only by eyeing for the long term and addressing the origin of the problem, and with specific steps on the economic, political, social, cultural and religious fronts, can we remove the breeding ground for terrorism and ultimately achieve victory over terrorism. The twenty year-long war in Afghanistan proves once again that military means alone cannot eradicate terrorism, and imposing democracy in the name of counterterrorism simply won’t work and cannot be sustained either.




Fifth, we need to tackle new terrorist threats and ideologies. We should focus on new challenges such as abuse of the Internet and emerging technologies by terrorists, collusion between terrorism and organized crimes, and diversified forms of terrorist financing, and step up research and analysis of new terrorist ideologies and their immediate impact and dangers. In the meantime, we need to vigorously promote inter-civilization exchanges and dialogue and advocate equality, mutual respect and inclusiveness to remove the ideological causes of conflicts.





Ladies and Gentlemen,




Not long ago, the sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was successfully convened. The plenary was held at the important moment of the centenary of the CPC and the critical conjuncture where China’s Two Centenary Goals converge. It is an extremely important meeting with profound and far-reaching significance. The plenary noted that China has constructively participated in political resolution of international and regional hotspots and played a positive role in areas such as countering terrorism and safeguarding regional security. As an important participant and contributor to international counterterrorism, China will continue to work with all parties to promote fruitful exchanges and cooperation on counterterrorism and deradicalization. We will share Chinese wisdom, offer Chinese experience and contribute Chinese resources to upholding international and regional security and stability.





Ladies and Gentlemen,




Counterterrorism is a battle between light and darkness. The purpose of international counterterrorism cooperation is to light the torch, dispel darkness and safeguard peace and tranquility for humanity. Let us work in solidarity, respond to the call of the times, deepen counterterrorism cooperation and ultimately eliminate the major threat of terrorism to humanity. To conclude, I wish this seminar a full success.




Thank you!

  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2021年12月22日 16:33:25