Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day for Tolerance文章源自英文巴士-
16 November 2020文章源自英文巴士-
Tunisian essayist Albert Memmi, who passed away this year, wrote that “tolerance is an exercise and a victory over ourselves”. His words teach us that tolerance, far from being a passive attitude tantamount to complacency or indifference, is a dynamic, daily effort, made both individually and collectively.文章源自英文巴士-
On this International Day for Tolerance, we are celebrating the teaching of diversity and lifelong learning of openness.
At a time when the pandemic has intensified the divisions that fracture and disfigure our societies, sometimes leading to a reawakening of racism, fanaticism and extremism, it is more than ever necessary to reaffirm the founding values of our humanity. Dignity, justice, curiosity and diversity are intrinsic values of tolerance which UNESCO defends in its principles and through its actions.
Within all the fields of its mandate – education, culture, science and information – our Organization has been working since its very inception to combat infamy and hatred.
Through global citizenship education programmes, the defence and promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity, and a commitment to the ethics of science and artificial intelligence, UNESCO endeavours to promote a culture of peace which is fundamentally based on tolerance. This is also at the heart of our work with the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities, which mobilizes local partners and stakeholders to fight racism at its roots.
It is in this spirit that every year our Organization awards the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence to significant initiatives to promote mutual understanding among cultures and peoples.
Teaching tolerance involves teaching diversity, decentering, and the discovery of others and their cultures. As we read in the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance signed on 16 November 1995, by the Member States of UNESCO, “tolerance is harmony in difference”.
因为宽容教育有赖于多样性教育、摆脱自我中心的教育以及发现他人和他人文化的教育。正如教科文组织会员国于 1995年11月16日签署的《宽容原则宣言》所述,“宽容是求同存异”。
On this International Day for Tolerance, UNESCO calls upon everyone to celebrate diversity and the irreducible right to difference, which underpins the richness of our societies and anchors peace in our minds.