Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination文章源自英文巴士-
21 March 2024文章源自英文巴士-
The year 2024 is set to place a significant emphasis on sport, with the hosting in Paris of the Olympic and Paralympic Games fast approaching, an event that evokes fraternity, joy and sharing.文章源自英文巴士-
Nevertheless, too many sporting events are still tarnished by racist words or actions. In football alone, more than 50% of fans say they have witnessed such behaviour during a match.
然而,仍有太多的体育赛事被种族主义言行所玷污。仅在足球领域,就有超过一半的球迷表示他们在比赛中目睹过这种行为 。
Whether inside or outside stadiums, racial discrimination is omnipresent, persistent and deeply rooted, and geopolitical crises and growing inequalities are exacerbating them.
On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, UNESCO is calling for a collective effort to ensure that everyone enjoys full respect for their human dignity.
We must first listen to the voices of those who have been victims of racial discrimination and who are fighting against it, following the example of Brazilian footballer Vinícius Júnior, appointed by the Director-General as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in February 2024. Through his Vini.Jr Institute, the footballer supports numerous educational initiatives to promote equality and inclusion.
首先,我们必须倾听那些遭受种族歧视并与之斗争的人们的声音,例如2024年2月被总干事任命为教科文组织亲善大使的巴西足球运动员维尼修斯·儒尼奥尔(Vinícius Júnior)。他通过自己创办的小维尼学院(Institut Vini.Jr),为多项促进平等和包容的教育倡议提供支持。
With the aim of hearing powerful voices and ensuring that they are heard to combat stereotypes, since 2019, the Organization has been holding a series of master classes against racism and discrimination at UNESCO Headquarters. This is a place for respectful dialogue among young people, researchers and experts, offering participants the means to become spokespersons for more inclusive and open ideas. More than 6,500 young people from all over the world have already taken part.
Moreover, the Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination is held every year in recognition of the importance of creating spaces for dialogue and sharing in order to find common solutions to racial discrimination. Established following the Global Call against Racism launched by UNESCO Member States in 2020, the event brings together actors from both civil society and political institutions to discuss ways of creating, together, a more inclusive society.
The most recent edition of the Forum, held in São Paulo, Brazil, in autumn 2023, gave rise to the UNESCO Network of Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Officials, whose aim is to support the development of innovative political solutions for peace and equity, and against discrimination. The Forum also saw the launch of an anti-racism toolkit to help Member States implement policies to combat racial discrimination and measure their impact.
Other priorities are emerging in the age of the digital revolution. The influential power of social networks and rapid advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) are creating new emergencies in the fight against racial discrimination. Every effort must be made to prevent algorithmic models and new technologies from reinforcing stereotypes, amplifying hate speech and exacerbating discrimination. The Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, adopted unanimously by UNESCO Member States in November 2021, and the publication, in November 2023, of Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms, are all pioneering initiatives by our Organization to ensure that technological progress does not come at the expense of fundamental human rights.
However, while the fight against racial discrimination must keep an eye on the future, it also requires us to look back at history, to shed light over time on the forces of intolerance and ignorance that undermine our societies. UNESCO is working on this with its large-scale project “Routes of Enslaved Peoples: Resistance, Liberty and Heritage”, which for the past thirty years has been documenting the many facets of this crime against humanity, right down to its contemporary implications.
More generally, our Organization contributes to the production of knowledge that fosters a more informed and inclusive world. An example of this is the General History of Africa (GHA), an ambitious editorial venture that began in 1964, Volume X of which, devoted to Africa and its diasporas, was published in 2023. Like its previous volumes, this book is designed to be included in school curricula. Kenya, where elements of the GHA have been integrated into primary and secondary school curricula, is a forerunner here. In Brazil, where the teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture has been compulsory since 2003, eight volumes of the collection were translated into Portuguese in 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education. This decision echoes the country’s determination to make the promotion of Afrodescendent cultures one of the key priorities of the G20 under its presidency.
There can be no lasting elimination of racial discrimination without a powerful educational effort. This is why, earlier this year, UNESCO also published “Unmasking racism: Guidelines for educational materials”. These guidelines are aimed at textbook designers, authors and curriculum writers, providing tools for identifying and combating racist stereotypes in school textbooks.
On this International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we can see that the numerous levers for action that exist are effective. We therefore need to reaffirm that we collectively have the means to act so that respect for difference and recognition of others may be the common lodestar of our world.