Message by Barbara Woodward, British Ambassador to China, on Chinese Lunar New Year文章源自英文巴士-
Da Jia Hao. I’m Barbara Woodward, the British Ambassador to China. And I’d like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year of the Rat.文章源自英文巴士-
Ranking the first in the Chinese zodiac, the rat represents wisdom, adaptation and ambition – attributes we can all aspire to at the start of the new decade.文章源自英文巴士-
At this time of year, traditions are very important. Over the holidays, I really enjoy paper-cutting, wrapping dumplings, and preparing snacks to help me through the cold month before spring.
The rat is the first sign of the twelve-animal cycle of the Chinese astrology. And so 2020 is the year of new beginnings and renewal. In the new year, one of the things I’m most looking forward to the UK and China hosting important conferences on climate change and biodiversity – as we work together to fight the threat to the planet presented by climate change.
十二生肖中,鼠位列第一。 所以2020年鼠年寓意着全新的开始。在新的一年里,我最期待的事情是英国将主办第二十六届联合国气候大会。英中共同携手积极努力应对气候变化问题。
I wish you and your families a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Gong Zhu Da Jia Neng You Yi Ge Jian Kang Fan Rong De Xin Nian.
Zhu Ni Men Shu Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Da Ji!