Q6. The United Nations and its Security Council, and other international platforms have engaged in sustained cooperation and consultation on many international issues. How does China see President Al-Sisi’s recent proposal on the Security Council reform?文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8631.html
Wang Yi: China and Egypt are both major developing countries, and we share broad-based common interests in promoting greater democracy in international relations and in the reform of the global governance system. Our two countries have all along enjoyed sound cooperation at international platforms such as the UN, especially its Security Council. We have been working together to uphold multilateralism, safeguard the UN-centered international system and promote the common interests of developing countries. On the Security Council reform, President Al-Sisi has stressed on many occasions the imperative to redress the historical injustices done to Africa. China fully supports this proposition, and has all along believed that the only right direction of the Security Council reform is to increase the representation and voice of developing countries, especially African countries. China is ready to work with Egypt and other African friends at the Inter-governmental Negotiations and other fora to move the reform steadily forward in a direction that serves the common interests of all developing countries.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8631.html
Q7. Will Chinese companies have the largest share in Syria’s reconstruction in the next phase in coordination with the Syrians and the Russians? Or would China prefer to stay away from the region at the moment for political reasons?文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8631.html
Wang Yi: On Syria, China always believes that while continued efforts are needed to seek political resolution and combat terrorism on all fronts, the reconstruction process should be advanced to guarantee lasting peace and security of Syria and a safe and happy life of the Syrian people.
Since the crisis broke out, China has provided a large amount of humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people and has held training programs on reconstruction, which are concrete actions in support of the reconstruction of Syria. China supports Chinese enterprises in participating in Syria’s reconstruction and is willing to consult and cooperate with various parties along the process. All our efforts aim at achieving one goal - to bring the Syrian people back to a life of stability and prosperity.
The reconstruction of Syria requires collective efforts of the international community. Yet regrettably, some countries have been disrupting rather than contributing to it, by setting preconditions, politicizing it and even blocking other countries’ participation in the process through unilateral sanctions and the so-called “long-arm jurisdiction”. China urges these countries to bear in mind the real interests of the Syrian people, shoulder their responsibilities and play a positive role in bringing peace, stability and development to Syria and the region.
Q8. Turkey’s violation of the sovereignty of Libya and oil and gas resources in the Mediterranean region has escalated tensions in that region. What is China’s view on this?
Wang Yi: China has noticed the recent escalation of tensions in eastern Mediterranean. We always believe that the Libyan issue can only be truly and properly settled by political means. The military option would lead nowhere and only cause endless trouble. China supports a “Libyan-led and Libyan-owned” political process under the auspices of the UN to help end conflicts, resume political dialogue, and bring about lasting peace as early as possible. What is most pressing is for all relevant parties to act in the fundamental interests of the Libyan people and peace and stability of the region, facilitate an early ceasefire between the conflicting parties in Libya and bring them back to the track of dialogue and negotiation.
As a permanent member of the Security Council and a responsible major country, China has been outspoken in its position to support and advance the political settlement of the issue on multilateral occasions, including the UN and international conferences on Libya in Paris and Palermo. China has maintained contacts with various factions in Libya and actively worked on various parties to facilitate talks for peace. We will work with Egypt and make active and constructive efforts for the early political settlement of the issue and for peace and stability in the Mediterranean region.
Q9. China is a major supporter of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. What is China’s vision at the moment of resuming negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis? How do you see the impact of the “deal of the century”?
Wang Yi: As conflicts between Palestine and Israel continue and with little mutual trust between them, the situation has deviated from the right track of the peace process. China is deeply worried by this development.
The Palestine issue is the root cause of the turmoil in the Middle East. It is a wound on human conscience. Without a fair and reasonable settlement of this issue, lasting peace and security of the Middle East would not be possible. After more than 70 years, the Palestine issue is still not resolved, inflicting tremendous pain on the people. This should not continue. The international community and parties in the region have made great efforts to realize peace between Palestine and Israel and have reached such widely-recognized international consensus as “land for peace” and the “two-state solution”. These principles should be firmly upheld and should not be traded off. Palestine and Israel are and will remain each other’s neighbor. Only a negotiated and peaceful resolution could bring an end to the vicious circle of meeting violence with violence.
A political issue in nature, the Palestine issue can only be resolved by political means. All proposals should be based on fairness and justice and heed the views of the parties concerned, especially the Palestinian side. China believes that differences should be addressed through equal-footed negotiations within the framework of the “two-state solution” and on the basis of relevant UN resolutions, the principle of “land for peace” and other international consensus. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China will continue to stand and speak for justice on multilateral occasions, firmly support the Palestinian people in their just efforts to restore their lawful rights, and support the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east Jerusalem as its capital.
Q10. Some media have been playing up the Chinese government’s “strict” policies towards its Muslim minority, especially the Uygurs in Xinjiang. How would you respond to that?
Wang Yi: The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, as one of the five ethnic autonomous regions in China, is a place where 25 million people of different ethnic groups live together in harmony. The predominant population of the 10 ethnic groups there, including the Uygur and the Hui, believe in Islam. The Muslim population has been increasing, approaching 60% of the region’s total.
China has in place a system of regional ethnic autonomy that aims to ensure equality and common prosperity and development for all ethnic groups, guarantee the power of ethnic autonomous areas to self-govern in accordance with law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are closely united as family members, just like the seeds of a pomegranate that stick together.
The people’s congress, the government and the regional committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of Xinjiang have all along been headed by people of ethnic minorities. People of ethnic minorities account for 62.1% and 46.7% of the members of the 13th People’s Congress and the 13th CPPCC regional committee.
In addition, the policy of freedom of religious belief is comprehensively implemented in Xinjiang to fully guarantee such freedom for people of all ethnic groups in accordance with law, and ensure equal political, economic, social, cultural and other rights for both religious believers and non-believers. At present, there are over 24,000 mosques, one for every 530 Muslims, across Xinjiang, as well as 10 religious colleges including the Xinjiang Islamic Institute, and more than 100 religious organizations.
In the past seven decades since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xinjiang has undergone historic economic transformation. Its GDP has jumped from RMB791 million yuan in 1952 to RMB1.2 trillion yuan in 2018, a 200-time increase in real terms. Its foreign trade volume has exceeded US$20 billion, 1,481 times the figure of 1950. With sustained and rapid economic growth, people’s livelihood has been significantly improved. Gone are the days of inadequate food, clothes, electricity and water and poor transportation conditions. This year, absolute poverty will be eliminated in Xinjiang. Together with their fellow countrymen, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang will enjoy moderate prosperity in all respects with no one left behind.
Stability is the precondition for development. What Xinjiang has accomplished today would not have been possible without the measures taken in recent years to counter terrorism and maintain stability. Xinjiang was once plagued by terrorism, religious extremism and separatism. Preliminary statistics point to thousands of violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang between 1990 and the end of 2016. Faced with such a grave situation, Xinjiang has drawn on international counter-terrorism experience and adopted deradicalization measures in accordance with law, including setting up vocational education and training centers. These efforts have paid off. For three years in a row, Xinjiang has been free from violent terrorist incident. People of all ethnic groups there now feel safe and secure and they wholeheartedly support relevant policy measures. All the trainees participating in deradicalization education and training have graduated. With the help of the government, they have found stable jobs and are leading a happy life.
Facts speak louder than words, and fair-minded people can tell right from wrong. Since the end of 2018, more than 70 foreign delegations, or some 1,000 people, including staff from Al-Ahram, have visited Xinjiang. They saw first-hand a stable, thriving and developing Xinjiang and stated that its counter-terrorism and deradicalization efforts can provide inspirations for others. In October 2019, over 60 countries spoke at the United Nations General Assembly to support China’s Xinjiang policy, and over 30 of them are Islamic countries.
Some western media, out of prejudice, choose to ignore basic facts. They fabricate lies to smear and discredit the counter-terrorism and deradicalization efforts in Xinjiang, and even try to drive a wedge between China and Islamic countries. We are confident that people in Egypt and the wider Islamic world will take an objective and impartial position, and that they will not be deceived or misled by such deliberate misinformation.