
摘要To Lord Qiu in an Autumn Night










To Lord Qiu in an Autumn Night文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/7910.html

Wei Yingwu文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/7910.html


Thinking of you, my friend, at autumn night,

I walk and chant beneath sky cold yet bright.

Pine nuts fall hard in mountains still and deep;

The hermit there must not have got to sleep.


(王大濂 译)


Addressed to Squire Qiu* on an Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


Surely I miss you on such an autumn night,

When I stroll and sing of the season’s cool.

Pine cones must be falling in the sequestered hills;

Our dear recluse cannot have gone to bed.


*Qiu Dan, a friend of the author’s, who was living a Taoist’s life on Mountain Linping.


(文殊、王晋熙、邓炎昌 译)


To a Friend on an Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


In such an autumn night

I miss you; strolling,

I enjoy the cool frosty air.

The mountain empty,

pine fruits drop; my

recluse-friend must

be still awake.


(张智中 译)


To His Excellence Mr. Qiu Dan

Written on an Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


On the autumn night of thee I dearly think,

And, strolling about, I sing of the cool sky.

When the pine nuts in the mountains sink,

I suppose thou must still awake lie.


(万昌盛、王僴中 译)


To Mr. Qiu on an Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


My longing goes to you on this autumn night,

I pace and sing alone under such a cool sky.

Pine nuts should now fall in the empty hill,

My secluded friend must be listening still.


(陈君朴、冯修文 译)


To Qiu Dan on an Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


I miss you on this autumn night,

And roam in the moon coolly bright.

In the mountains bare cones fall;

You’d be there, not sleepy at all.


(赵彦春 译)


To Qiu Dan at Autumn Night

Wei Yingwu


I’m missing you just at autumn night,

Walking idle I sing a song of cool day.

Just hear noises of falling pine nuts.

You hermit doesn’t sleep in your way.


(王方路 译)

  • 版权声明 本文源自 英文巴士sisu04 整理 发表于 2019年10月4日 18:37:47