
摘要Full Text: China’s Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation



China’s Political Party System: Cooperation and Consultation文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/11633.html



The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/11633.html



June 2021文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/11633.html









  1. China’s Political Parties



II. A Unique Political Creation



III. Close Cooperation Between Political Parties



IV. China’s Political Party System Has Distinctive Characteristics and Strengths



V. The CPC Consults with Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates



VI. The CPC Supports Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates in Conducting Democratic Oversight



VII. The CPC Cooperates with Other Political Parties and Non-Affiliates in Governing the Country



VIII. Non-CPC Political Parties and Non-Affiliates Provide Advice on Economic and Social Development



IX. The CPPCC Is an Important Political and Organizational Platform in China’s Political Party System










A country’s political party system is a major component of its political framework and makes a critical contribution to democracy. The system best suited to a country is determined by its history, traditions, and realities. There are many types of political party system around the world, and there is not a single system that is good for all countries.




The system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a basic element of China’s political framework. A new model grown out of the soil of China, it also learns from other countries and absorbs the fruits of their political achievements. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China stipulates, “The system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will continue and develop long into the future.”




In this system, in addition to the CPC, there are eight other political parties: the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the China Democratic League, the China National Democratic Construction Association, the China Association for Promoting Democracy, the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, the China Zhi Gong Party, the Jiusan Society, and the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League. The system also includes prominent individuals without affiliation to any of the political parties (hereinafter referred to as “non-affiliates”).


Following the principles of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and sharing the rough times and the smooth, the CPC and the other political parties have created a multiparty cooperation system in which the CPC exercises state power and the other parties participate fully in the administration of state affairs under the leadership of the CPC.




This is a unique political model. It has displayed unquestionable strength and vitality in China’s political and social life. It is essential to the task of modernizing China’s governance system and capacity. It continues to make an invaluable contribution to the political progress of humanity.



I. China’s Political Parties




Political parties are an important force in state politics. Globally, there are numerous political parties of many types, differing in background, class basis, values, and political stance. They also play different roles in state affairs.


In China, the CPC and eight other political parties were founded for national salvation. Their shared goals were the realization of national independence, the people’s liberation and wellbeing, and the prosperity of the country.




China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Following the Opium War in 1840, China was reduced into a semi-colonial, semi-feudal state under the occupying Western capitalist powers and the failing feudal autocracy. People of insight tried tirelessly to find a way to salvage the nation – the Taiping Rebellion, the Self-Strengthening Movement, the Hundred Days’ Reform, and the Boxer Movement – but all failed in the end.


The Revolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen ended the feudal autocracy that had ruled China for more than 2,000 years, bringing tremendous change to society. But it failed to do away with the backward social system and failed to lift people out of misery. The historic mission of national independence and the people’s liberation remained unfulfilled.




The CPC was founded in 1921, at a time when China was facing grave dangers at home and abroad, trapped in a morass of social crises. Always retaining in the forefront of mind its founding mission – to seek happiness for the people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation – the CPC has succeeded in applying Marxist tenets to the Chinese context, rallying all the forces that can be combined to form an extensive united front. It has achieved many great feats that have drawn worldwide attention and ensured that the CPC and the people hold to the right path on the way forward.


Over the course of a century, the CPC has, leading the Chinese people, made unprecedented achievements. These include:


By completing the New Democratic Revolution (1919-1949) and founding the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, it put an end to the semi-colonial, semi-feudal society of old China and realized national independence and the people’s liberation.


By completing the socialist revolution and establishing socialism in China, it brought the most extensive and profound social change to the Chinese nation.


By introducing the policy of reform and opening up, it has pioneered socialism with Chinese characteristics so that the people can enjoy a better life, and the nation can become stronger and have its status notably raised in the international community.


By implementing the Five-sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy, it has ushered in a new era of Chinese socialism.


With these historic achievements and transformation in the cause of the CPC and the nation, China has stood up, become better off, and grown in strength. It can now look forward to the bright prospect of national rejuvenation.


The CPC’s role in leading the country was confirmed and consolidated in the course of China’s revolution, economic development, and reform. It is the choice of history and of the people. By the end of 2019, CPC membership had reached 91.9 million.




The non-CPC political parties were created and developed in the Chinese people’s fight to destroy imperialism and autocracy and pursue democracy. Their membership came from the national bourgeoisie, urban petty bourgeoisie, and intellectuals and other associated patriots. Under CPC leadership, these parties have participated in founding the PRC, reconstructing the country, advancing reform, and realizing the Chinese Dream. Together, they have committed themselves to the great cause of seeking national independence, the people’s liberation and wellbeing, and the prosperity of the country.




The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang was created by former members of the democratic group of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China, or KMT) and other patriots. Standing against the autocratic rule under Chiang Kai-shek, the patriots inside the party carried forward Sun Yat-sen’s legacy of devotion to the nation, to revolution and to progress, and together founded the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang in Hong Kong in January 1948. Dedicated to the ultimate ideal of realizing the Three Principles of the People proposed by Sun Yat-sen and building an independent and democratic new China where everyone lives a happy life, the committee defined its program of action – to end KMT autocracy and form a democratic coalition government.


Currently, the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang consists mainly of people who have links with the KMT, have historical and social connections with the committee, or have relationships with Taiwan compatriots, along with specialists in social and legal affairs, and in business relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people. The party has a membership of more than 151,000.




The China Democratic League was founded by a group of well-known public figures and intellectuals seeking democracy and progress. To support the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (War Against Japanese Aggression, 1931-1945), promote unity and democracy, and ensure their own rights to survive, a number of political parties and organizations joined hands to secretly establish the China Democratic Political League in Chongqing in March 1941. It adopted a platform to fight Japanese aggression, practice democracy, and promote unity across the country. Reorganized as the China Democratic League in September 1944, it opposed autocracy and the civil war, and called for democracy and peace.


Now, the China Democratic League is mainly composed of senior intellectuals specializing in culture, education, and relevant fields of science and technology. It has a membership of more than 330,000.




The China National Democratic Construction Association was initiated by an assembly of patriotic businesspeople and associated intellectuals. During the War Against Japanese Aggression, a group of patriotic businesspeople and intellectuals aspired to save the nation by developing industry, supporting movements against Japanese aggression, and advocating political and economic democracy. In December 1945, they founded the China National Democratic Construction Association in Chongqing, proposing that an ideal nation is owned by the people, governed by the people, and enjoyed by the people. They advocated democratic economic planning and corporate autonomy under the guidance of such planning.


Today, the China National Democratic Construction Association is home to businesspeople, economic specialists and academics. It has a membership of more than 210,000.




The China Association for Promoting Democracy was founded by intellectuals in the fields of culture, education, and publishing, along with patriots from industry and business. In the course of the War Against Japanese Aggression, a number of intellectuals and businesspeople stayed in Shanghai to resist Japanese occupation. After the war they exposed the KMT’s reactionary rule through the newspapers and publications they ran, and founded the China Association for Promoting Democracy in Shanghai in December 1945. With a mission to carry forward democracy and facilitate democratic politics in China, the association called for an end to KMT autocracy and the civil war, and for the return of state power to the people.


Now, the China Association for Promoting Democracy mainly recruits intellectuals in education, culture, publishing, and relevant fields of science and technology. It has a membership of more than 182,000.




The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party was founded by left-wing KMT members supporting Sun Yat-sen’s principles of allying with the Soviet Union, allying with the CPC, and helping the peasants and workers. After the failure of the First National Revolution in 1927, left-wing KMT members formed a provisional action committee in Shanghai in August 1930, proposing to set up a government of peasants, workers and common people. The name was changed to the Chinese Action Committee for Nation Liberation in November 1935, and then into the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party in February 1947. It called on all Chinese compatriots and political parties to unite for peace and national unification, and to work for an independent and prosperous China.


Currently, the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party mainly consists of intellectuals in medicine, health care, human resources, the eco-environment, and relevant fields of education, science and technology. It has a membership of more than 184,000.




The China Zhi Gong Party was founded by overseas Chinese communities. As China fell into chaos following the Opium War in 1840, many Chinese left the country for Southeast Asia and the Americas, and formed many local communities and organizations. In October 1925 the Hung Society Zhi Gong Hall, an overseas Chinese society, founded the China Zhi Gong Party in San Francisco, taking as its mission to fight for national independence and liberation of the people, and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese. In May 1947, the party was reorganized into a new democratic party at its third congress in Hong Kong.


The China Zhi Gong Party is mainly composed of the middle and higher ranks of returned overseas Chinese and their relatives, and representatives of people with overseas connections. It has a membership of more than 63,000.




The Jiusan Society was founded by intellectuals in culture, education, science and technology. At the end of 1944, a group of academics in these fields organized a forum on democracy and science in Chongqing, with the purpose of supporting the War Against Japanese Aggression, boosting democracy, and carrying forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, underpinned by patriotism, democracy and science. On September 3, 1945, to celebrate victory in the War Against Japanese Aggression and World War II, the organization was renamed the Jiusan Forum, which became the basis for the Jiusan Society, founded on May 4, 1946. Its platform was to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and promote democracy and science.


The Jiusan Society recruits intellectuals in science and technology, and relevant fields of higher education, medicine, and health care. It has a membership of more than 195,000.




The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League was founded by patriotic Chinese compatriots in Taiwan Province. Taiwan returned to the motherland after the War Against Japanese Aggression, but the corrupt, autocratic rule of the KMT authorities infuriated local people, resulting in the February 28 Uprising in 1947. The uprising was brutally suppressed and its leading members withdrew to Hong Kong, where they founded the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League in November that year, calling for an independent new China characterized by peace, democracy, prosperity, and people’s wellbeing, and opposing any secessionist attempt to break Taiwan away from China.


The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League is mainly composed of Taiwan compatriots residing in the mainland and intellectuals in Taiwan studies. It has a membership of more than 3,300.




There are also well-known, influential public figures who are not affiliated to any political party but have contributed to national independence, the people’s liberation and wellbeing, and the prosperity of the country. They are mainly non-affiliated influential intellectuals who have the desire and ability to discuss and participate in the administration of state affairs, and who have contributed to society.




In the long course of revolution, economic development and reform, and in the historic process of seeking happiness for the people and the rejuvenation of the nation, the CPC has withstood countless tests and become the vanguard of the Chinese workers, the Chinese people, and the Chinese nation. It represents the leadership of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The other political parties have evolved into a close political alliance of the socialist workers and patriots whom they represent, and become parties participating in the administration of state affairs. Non-affiliates are also an important force in Chinese politics.



II. A Unique Political Creation




China’s political party system is a result of adapting Marxist political party theory to the Chinese context. It is a unique political structure created by the CPC, the Chinese people, the non-CPC political parties, and non-affiliates. It sprouted from Chinese soil and evolved over time based on China’s historical heritage, cultural traditions, and economic and social development.




The system is rooted in the best of Chinese traditions. The Chinese people have created a time-honored, extensive and profound traditional culture. They aspire to the common good, put people first, promote peace and harmony, seek common ground while reserving differences, and value inclusiveness and harmonious coexistence. China’s culture has provided strong support for the continuous development of the nation and rich nourishment for the formation and development of China’s political party system.




The system began during the democratic revolution (1840-1949). After the Revolution of 1911, China followed the example of Western countries and adopted parliamentary politics and a multiparty system. More than 300 political groups were set up.


After 1927 the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek established one-party dictatorship, suppressing and persecuting democratic and progressive forces. This aroused strong opposition from the CPC, the Chinese people, and others committed to democracy.


The CPC announced the program of the New Democratic Revolution, and established close cooperation with other political parties in the struggle against the Japanese imperialist aggression and against the Kuomintang dictatorship.



The system took shape during political consultations in preparation for the founding of the PRC. In April 1948, in honor of the upcoming International Workers’ Day, the CPC called for a political consultative conference and a democratic coalition government. The call received strong support from other political parties, non-affiliates, and all sectors of society.


This marked the point at which all those non-CPC political parties and non-affiliates accepted the leadership of the CPC. It also marked the prelude to the establishment of a new China through consultation between the CPC and other political parties, organizations, prominent individuals from all fields, and the people of all ethnic groups, and laid the foundations for the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. In September 1949, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) adopted at its First Plenary Session the Common Program of the CPPCC, which made the following provisions: Prior to the convening of the National People’s Congress (NPC) elected by universal suffrage, the plenary sessions of the CPPCC would exercise the functions and powers of the NPC; once the NPC was in place, the CPPCC would raise proposals to the NPC or the Central People’s Government regarding national development and other important measures. China’s new political party system was thus established.




The system has developed in the course of socialist revolution, economic development, and reform. After the founding of the PRC, the CPC strengthened its solidarity and cooperation with the other political parties and non-affiliates, and proposed the principle of long-term coexistence and mutual oversight, which evolved into a principle of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and sharing the rough times and the smooth. The framework of China’s new political party system was thus formed.


In 1989, the CPC Central Committee formulated the Opinions on Upholding and Improving the System of Multiparty Cooperation and Political Consultation Under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China, continuing the process of institutionalizing China’s political party system. In 1993, it was written into the Constitution that the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will continue and develop long into the future, providing a constitutional basis for the system.




The system is improving in the new era of Chinese socialism. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core has worked hard to promote innovation in the theory, policy, and practice of multiparty cooperation. It has strengthened its overall leadership over multiparty cooperation, and improved the institutional framework for cooperation.


The CPC Central Committee has held conferences on the work of the united front and the CPPCC, and emphasized that the system is a new model of party politics, an important part of China’s governance system, and a great contribution to modern political civilization. This has raised multiparty cooperation to a new level.


The CPC has made it clear that the other political parties participate in state governance under Chinese socialism, and their basic functions are to discuss and participate in the administration of state affairs, and to engage in democratic scrutiny and political consultation. This provides huge scope for them to play an active role.


To further institutionalize and standardize multiparty cooperation, the CPC issued a series of documents on strengthening socialist consultative democracy, strengthening consultative democracy of the CPPCC, improving consultation with the non-CPC political parties, improving those political parties’ participation in state governance, and reinforcing the role of the CPPCC in the new era.


The CPC proposed that all the political parties should modernize their approach to cooperation, update their consensus, and undertake new initiatives to fulfill their duties. These serve as the fundamental principles of multiparty cooperation in the new era.


In accordance with the requirements of Chinese socialism for their participation in governance, the non-CPC political parties should continue to optimize their development, better perform their duties, and endeavor to play a more important role in the country’s political life.



  • 版权声明 本文源自 国新办sisu04 整理 发表于 2021年6月25日 23:32:50