
摘要Key Concepts in The Governance of China IV (3)




to always put the people first文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13805.html




译文:Always put the people first. As an ancient Chinese said, “A sovereign who shares the interests of the people will have their support; a sovereign who denies the interests of the people will provoke their opposition.” The Constitution of the CPC states clearly that the Party has no special interests of its own and it shall, at all times, give top priority to the interests of the people.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13805.html



to rely on the people文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13805.html




译文:Rely on the people. The people are our greatest strength in governance. Under the unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the whole country has been mobilized and has joined the battle against Covid-19, and governments at all levels and the whole of society are involved, establishing an impermeable network and forming an indestructible force for joint prevention and control.



to constantly work for the benefit of the people




译文:Constantly work for the benefit of the people. The purpose of economic and social development is, in the final analysis, to fulfill the people’s desire for a better life.



to take root in the people




译文:Take root in the people. To achieve long-term governance, our Party must maintain close ties with the people, think and act in their interests, and share weal and woe with them.



people-centered philosophy of development




译文:Uphold the people-centered philosophy of development. The people’s support is our top political priority. Our Party serves the people wholeheartedly, honors its commitment to serving the public good, exercises power in the interests of the people, and considers it our goal to meet the people’s aspirations for a better life.



to wholeheartedly serve the people




译文:Our Party has won the people’s wholehearted support because it has always stayed true to its original aspiration and founding mission, and faithfully observed its fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people. This is also why our Party was able to grow in strength from a small and fragile organization, rise time and again after setbacks, and fight its way through dangers. The people are the root of our vitality, the foundation of our governance, and the source of our strength.



to ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment




译文:We must ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and we must work hard to address practical issues of public concern, including employment, education, social security, medical care, housing, pension, food safety, and public order. We must make concrete efforts year after year to deliver tangible results and real benefits to the people.



to benefit the local people during the term in office




译文:Leading officials at all levels must take the right attitude towards power, job performance and career, and take concrete actions to benefit the local people during their term in office, rather than indulging their vanity, pursuing unearned prestige, or achieving worthless outcomes.



to share the future with the people, and stay truly connected to them




译文:Since the 18th CPC National Congress held in 2012, we have exercised full and strict governance over the Party. Firm action has been taken to combat corruption and the Four Malfeasances of favoring form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance. We have launched education campaigns among all Party members to increase awareness of honoring the Party’s mass line and its original aspiration and founding mission. Our goal is to educate and guide Party members and officials to share the future with the people, and stay truly connected to them.



our people are the true heroes




译文:In the face of urgent and difficult tasks and dangerous and severe challenges, our people have always acted with one heart, united their efforts, and fought tenaciously. They have made a great contribution. These victories of our Party and our country are all victories won by our people, who are the true heroes.



to come from the people and serve their interests




译文:Sound guidelines, policies and development plans must accord with the will, aspirations and expectations of the people. They should come from the people and serve their interests.



to reflect the grassroots reality and express the people’s wishes




译文:You all work on the front line of reform and development in various sectors. You are directly involved in economic and social activities, and have most frequent contact with the public. Thus you have a more realistic perception and experience of how effectively the Party’s guidelines and policies are implemented. Your opinions and suggestions can better reflect the grassroots reality and express the people’s wishes.






译文:In a large and populous country, we have our own list of priorities. The myriad of things we attend to all boil down to matters concerning every household.




译文:If you can employ the strength of the people, you will be invincible under Heaven; if you can employ the wisdom of the people, no sage will be cleverer than you.




译文:The people’s concerns are my concerns, and the people’s expectations are my goals.




译文:The People are the root of our vitality, the foundation of our governance, and the source of our strength.




译文:As long as we stay together with and work for the people, they will steadfastly follow the Party’s leadership and the Party will be able to flourish.




译文:The sole aims of the CPC in governance are to meet the needs of the people, and give its all in serving them and striving for their wellbeing.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 中国外文局, sisu04 整理 发表于 2022年10月24日 00:11:50