Implementing Rules of the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
第一章 总则文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
Chapter I General Provisions文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国外商投资法》(以下简称外商投资法),制定本条例。文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
Article 1文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
The Implementing Rules are formulated under the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Foreign Investment Law).文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/13445.html
第二条 国家鼓励和促进外商投资,保护外商投资合法权益,规范外商投资管理,持续优化外商投资环境,推进更高水平对外开放。
Article 2
The State encourages and facilitates foreign investment, protects lawful rights and interests of foreign investors, conducts proper administration of foreign investment and continues to improve the environment of foreign investment to advance the opening-up of China.
第三条 外商投资法第二条第二款第一项、第三项所称其他投资者,包括中国的自然人在内。
Article 3
“Other investors” as stated in 2 (1) and 2 (3) of Article 2 of the Foreign Investment Law include Chinese natural persons.
第四条 外商投资准入负面清单(以下简称负面清单)由国务院投资主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门等有关部门提出,报国务院发布或者报国务院批准后由国务院投资主管部门、商务主管部门发布。
Article 4
The Negative List for Foreign Investment Access (hereinafter referred to as the Negative List) is proposed to the State Council by the authorities for investment under the State Council in collaboration with, among others, the authorities for commerce under the State Council, to be issued by the State Council or the authorities for investment and commerce under the State Council per approval by the State Council.
The State may make adjustment as is necessary on the Negative List based on the need for further opening-up and economic and social development. Adjustment of the Negative List follows the same procedure as described above.
第五条 国务院商务主管部门、投资主管部门以及其他有关部门按照职责分工,密切配合、相互协作,共同做好外商投资促进、保护和管理工作。
Article 5
The commerce, investment and other competent authorities under the State Council shall, in accordance with their respective mandates, work together in close cooperation and coordination to promote, protect and regulate foreign investment.
The local people’s governments at and above the county level shall strengthen organization and leadership in promoting, protecting and regulating foreign investment, urge relevant departments to promote, protect and regulate foreign investment in accordance with laws, regulations and their respective mandates and provide support to their work. They shall coordinate efforts to promptly address major issues concerning foreign investment promotion, protection and regulation.
第二章 投资促进
Chapter II Investment Promotion
第六条 政府及其有关部门在政府资金安排、土地供应、税费减免、资质许可、标准制定、项目申报、人力资源政策等方面,应当依法平等对待外商投资企业和内资企业。
Article 6
The government and its competent departments shall treat foreign-invested enterprises and Chinese-invested enterprises as equals in accordance with the law, in policies concerning funding, land supply, tax and fee exemptions and reductions, qualifications certifying and licensing, standard formulation, project application, human resources, etc.
Policies and measures adopted by the government and its competent departments to support business growth shall be made public in accordance with the law. For matters that require application by businesses during the implementation of these policies and measures, the government and its competent departments shall make public application criteria, processing procedures and time frame, and treat foreign-invested and Chinese-invested enterprises as equals when reviewing their applications.
第七条 制定与外商投资有关的行政法规、规章、规范性文件,或者政府及其有关部门起草与外商投资有关的法律、地方性法规,应当根据实际情况,采取书面征求意见以及召开座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式,听取外商投资企业和有关商会、协会等方面的意见和建议;对反映集中或者涉及外商投资企业重大权利义务问题的意见和建议,应当通过适当方式反馈采纳的情况。
Article 7
When formulating regulations, rules and normative documents (policy documents issued by the CPC Central Committee, the central government or competent authorities under the State Council without going through any legislative process) or drafting laws and local regulations relating to foreign investment, the government and its competent departments shall solicit views and suggestions from foreign-invested enterprises, relevant chambers of commerce and trade associations, etc., by collecting written opinions, holding workshops, consultations or hearings or in any other ways as appropriate. The government shall provide feedback in appropriate forms about its consideration and decision on views and suggestions so collected on prevalent issues and issues concerning major rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises.
Normative documents related to foreign investment shall be made public promptly in accordance with the law. Unpublished documents shall not be taken as the basis for enforcing regulation. Appropriate implementation lead time shall be determined and published based on specific circumstances for normative documents that are closely related to business activities of foreign-invested enterprises.
第八条 各级人民政府应当按照政府主导、多方参与的原则,建立健全外商投资服务体系,不断提升外商投资服务能力和水平。
Article 8
The people’s governments at all levels shall establish and improve a foreign investment service system which is led by the government and composed of multiple stakeholders in a continuous effort to improve their capability and performance in service of foreign investment.
第九条 政府及其有关部门应当通过政府网站、全国一体化在线政务服务平台集中列明有关外商投资的法律、法规、规章、规范性文件、政策措施和投资项目信息,并通过多种途径和方式加强宣传、解读,为外国投资者和外商投资企业提供咨询、指导等服务。
Article 9
The government and its competent departments shall publish laws, regulations, rules, normative documents, policy measures and information on investment projects through government websites and the national integrated online government service platform. Consultancy, guidance and other services shall be offered to foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises with improved communication and interpretation of the above-mentioned documents through various channels and means.
第十条 外商投资法第十三条所称特殊经济区域,是指经国家批准设立、实行更大力度的对外开放政策措施的特定区域。
Article 10
“The special economic zones”, as specified in Article 13 of the Foreign Investment Law, refer to specific zones with more liberalized policies and measures for foreign investment established with the State’s approval.
Experimental policies and measures on foreign investment adopted by the State in some regions that prove viable will be applied to other regions or nationwide as appropriate.
第十一条 国家根据国民经济和社会发展需要,制定鼓励外商投资产业目录,列明鼓励和引导外国投资者投资的特定行业、领域、地区。鼓励外商投资产业目录由国务院投资主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门等有关部门拟订,报国务院批准后由国务院投资主管部门、商务主管部门发布。
Article 11
Based on the need for national economic and social development, the State develops the Catalogue of Industries that Encourage Foreign Investment which specifies the industries, sectors and regions where foreign investment is encouraged. The Catalogue is drafted by the competent authorities for investment together with, among others, the competent authorities for commerce of the State Council and published by the investment and commerce authorities per approval by the State Council.
第十二条 外国投资者、外商投资企业可以依照法律、行政法规或者国务院的规定,享受财政、税收、金融、用地等方面的优惠待遇。
Article 12
Foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises may enjoy preferential treatment in fiscal, taxation, financial, land use and other areas in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or regulations of the State Council.
Foreign investors who expand investment in China with proceeds from investment made in China are entitled to corresponding preferential treatment in accordance with the law.
第十三条 外商投资企业依法和内资企业平等参与国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和团体标准的制定、修订工作。外商投资企业可以根据需要自行制定或者与其他企业联合制定企业标准。
Article 13
Foreign-invested enterprises shall have the right to participate in the setting and revision of national, industrial, local and group standards on an equal footing with Chinese-invested enterprises in accordance with the law. Foreign-invested enterprises may set company-level standards by themselves or jointly with other companies if the need arises.
Foreign-invested enterprises may file proposals for developing specific standards to the administrative department in charge of standardization and other relevant administrative authorities. They may offer views and suggestions during the process of standard selection, standard drafting, technical review and feedbacks and evaluation on standard enforcement, and undertake work related to standard drafting, technical review and translation of standards into other languages in accordance with regulations.
The administrative department in charge of standardization and other relevant administrative authorities shall establish sound working mechanisms to enhance the transparency of standard setting and revision and disclose all relevant information during the entire process of standard setting and revision.
第十四条 国家制定的强制性标准对外商投资企业和内资企业平等适用,不得专门针对外商投资企业适用高于强制性标准的技术要求。
Article 14
The mandatory standards set by the State shall apply equally to foreign-invested enterprises and Chinese-invested enterprises. Foreign-invested enterprises shall not be purposefully placed under technical standards higher than the mandatory standards.
第十五条 政府及其有关部门不得阻挠和限制外商投资企业自由进入本地区和本行业的政府采购市场。
Article 15
The government and its relevant departments shall not obstruct or restrict free access of foreign-invested enterprises to the government procurement market in their respective regions and industries.
Government procurers and procurement agents shall not treat foreign-invested enterprises in a differentiated or discriminatory manner in such areas as disclosure of government procurement information, requirements and qualifications review for suppliers and appraisal standards. They shall not set restrictions on suppliers regarding business ownerships and structures, equity structures of suppliers, nationalities of investors, product or service brands, etc. or by setting other unreasonable conditions. Products made and services delivered in China by foreign-invested enterprises shall not be treated differently from those of Chinese-invested enterprises.
第十六条 外商投资企业可以依照《中华人民共和国政府采购法》(以下简称政府采购法)及其实施条例的规定,就政府采购活动事项向采购人、采购代理机构提出询问、质疑,向政府采购监督管理部门投诉。采购人、采购代理机构、政府采购监督管理部门应当在规定的时限内作出答复或者处理决定。
Article 16
Foreign-invested enterprises may raise questions and queries with government procurers and procurement agencies and file complaints with the government procurement regulatory authorities on government procurement matters in accordance with the Law on Government Procurement of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Government Procurement Law) and its Implementing Rules. Procurers, procurement agencies and government procurement regulatory authorities shall make response or decisions on the issues raised within the prescribed time frame.
第十七条 政府采购监督管理部门和其他有关部门应当加强对政府采购活动的监督检查,依法纠正和查处对外商投资企业实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇等违法违规行为。
Article 17
Government procurement regulatory agencies and other relevant departments shall strengthen supervision and inspection of government procurement activities, and correct and punish in accordance with the law such violations as differentiated or discriminatory treatment of foreign-invested enterprises.
第十八条 外商投资企业可以依法在中国境内或者境外通过公开发行股票、公司债券等证券,以及公开或者非公开发行其他融资工具、借用外债等方式进行融资。
Article 18
Foreign-invested enterprises may, in accordance with the law, finance in or outside China through public offering of securities such as stocks and corporate bonds, public or non-public offering of other financing tools and borrowing foreign debt.
第十九条 县级以上地方人民政府可以根据法律、行政法规、地方性法规的规定,在法定权限内制定费用减免、用地指标保障、公共服务提供等方面的外商投资促进和便利化政策措施。
Article 19
The local people’s governments at and above the county level may, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and local regulations, adopt policies and measures for foreign investment promotion and facilitation in fees reduction and cancellation, land supply, public service, etc. within their statutory mandate.
Policies and measures for foreign investment promotion and facilitation adopted by the local people’s governments at and above the county level shall aim at promoting high-quality development and facilitating economic growth, social welfare, environmental conservation and a better environment for foreign investment.
第二十条 有关主管部门应当编制和公布外商投资指引,为外国投资者和外商投资企业提供服务和便利。外商投资指引应当包括投资环境介绍、外商投资办事指南、投资项目信息以及相关数据信息等内容,并及时更新。
Article 20
The competent authorities shall formulate and release corresponding foreign investment guidelines to serve and facilitate foreign investment. Foreign investment guidelines shall include, among others, investment environment analysis, government service guide, investment projects information and relevant data, and shall be updated on a regular basis.
第三章 投资保护
Chapter III Investment Protection
第二十一条 国家对外国投资者的投资不实行征收。
Article 21
The State does not expropriate investment made by foreign investors.
When the State, under extraordinary circumstances, lawfully expropriates investment made by foreign investors because of public interests, it shall do so in accordance with the legal procedures and in an indiscriminatory manner. Compensation shall be given to foreign investors promptly based on the market value of the expropriated investment.
Foreign investors may apply for administrative appeal or file administrative litigations against such expropriations decisions in accordance with the law.
第二十二条 外国投资者在中国境内的出资、利润、资本收益、资产处置所得、取得的知识产权许可使用费、依法获得的补偿或者赔偿、清算所得等,可以依法以人民币或者外汇自由汇入、汇出,任何单位和个人不得违法对币种、数额以及汇入、汇出的频次等进行限制。
Article 22
Foreign investors’ capital contribution, profits, capital gains, proceeds from assets disposal, intellectual property license fees, lawfully obtained compensation or indemnities, liquidation proceeds, etc. may be freely remitted into and out of China in RMB or foreign exchange in accordance with the law. No organizations or individuals shall impose restrictions on the denomination, amount or frequency of remittance.
Wages and other lawful income of foreign nationals and natives of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan employed by foreign-invested enterprises may be remitted freely in accordance with the law.
第二十三条 国家加大对知识产权侵权行为的惩处力度,持续强化知识产权执法,推动建立知识产权快速协同保护机制,健全知识产权纠纷多元化解决机制,平等保护外国投资者和外商投资企业的知识产权。
Article 23
The State shall increase punishment on acts of intellectual property infringement, continue to strengthen law enforcement on IPR, and push for the creation of a mechanism for quick coordination on IPR protection. It shall improve the multi-channel IPR disputes settlement mechanism and grant equal protection to IPRs of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises.
Matters concerning patents of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations on standards related to patents.
第二十四条 行政机关(包括法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织,下同)及其工作人员不得利用实施行政许可、行政检查、行政处罚、行政强制以及其他行政手段,强制或者变相强制外国投资者、外商投资企业转让技术。
Article 24
Administrative agencies (including organizations authorized by laws and regulations to perform the functions of public affairs management, the same below) and their staff shall not take advantage of administrative licensing, inspection, punishment and enforcement, or other administrative means to force, either overly or covertly, foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises to transfer their technologies.
第二十五条 行政机关依法履行职责,确需外国投资者、外商投资企业提供涉及商业秘密的材料、信息的,应当限定在履行职责所必需的范围内,并严格控制知悉范围,与履行职责无关的人员不得接触有关材料、信息。
Article 25
Administrative agencies shall perform their duties in accordance with the law. In circumstances where foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises are required to provide materials and information that may involve trade secrets, the required materials and information shall be used within the scope essential to performing their duties. Access to the materials and information shall be strictly limited and shall be kept confidential to staff unrelated to performing such duties.
Administrative agencies shall set up and improve their internal control systems and take effective measures to protect trade secrets of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises collected while performing their duties. Additional protection must be added for trade secrets contained in information that is required by law to be shared with other administrative agencies to prevent leakage.
第二十六条 政府及其有关部门制定涉及外商投资的规范性文件,应当按照国务院的规定进行合法性审核。
Article 26
Reviews shall be conducted in accordance with regulations of the State Council of the normative documents on foreign investment formulated by the government and its relevant departments on their legality.
When foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises apply for administrative appeal or file law suits in accordance with the law against administrative acts which they believe are based on illegal normative documents formulated by the State Council departments, the local people’s governments and their departments, they may also request for review of the normative documents concerned at the same time.
第二十七条 外商投资法第二十五条所称政策承诺,是指地方各级人民政府及其有关部门在法定权限内,就外国投资者、外商投资企业在本地区投资所适用的支持政策、享受的优惠待遇和便利条件等作出的书面承诺。政策承诺的内容应当符合法律、法规规定。
Article 27
The “policy commitments” as stated in Article 25 of the Foreign Investment Law refers to commitments made by the local people’s governments at all levels and their relevant departments within their statutory mandate on policy support, preferential treatment and conveniences that may apply to investment made by foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises in their respective jurisdictions. The policy commitments shall comply with laws and regulations.
第二十八条 地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当履行向外国投资者、外商投资企业依法作出的政策承诺以及依法订立的各类合同,不得以行政区划调整、政府换届、机构或者职能调整以及相关责任人更替等为由违约毁约。因国家利益、社会公共利益需要改变政策承诺、合同约定的,应当依照法定权限和程序进行,并依法对外国投资者、外商投资企业因此受到的损失及时予以公平、合理的补偿。
Article 28
The local people’s governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall honor their policy commitments to foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises and all types of contracts concluded with them in accordance with the law. The contracts shall not be breached or terminated on the ground of changes of administrative areas, government and its institutions, or personnel in charge. When there is a need to change policy commitments and contract agreement out of national or public interests, the government shall act in accordance with its statutory mandate and due process, and give prompt, fair and reasonable compensation to foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises for any loss incurred.
第二十九条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当按照公开透明、高效便利的原则,建立健全外商投资企业投诉工作机制,及时处理外商投资企业或者其投资者反映的问题,协调完善相关政策措施。
Article 29
The people’s governments at and above the county level and their relevant departments shall, in the principle of openness, transparency, efficiency and convenience, establish sound complaint settlement mechanisms for foreign-invested enterprises for prompt handling of issues raised by foreign-invested enterprises or their investors, and coordinate efforts to improve relevant policies and measures.
The competent authorities for commerce, in coordination with other relevant departments of the State Council, shall establish an inter-agency joint meeting mechanism to coordinate and facilitate complaint settlement for foreign-invested enterprises at the national level, and guide and supervise such work at the local level. The people’s governments at and above the county level shall designate departments or institutions to settle complaints filed by foreign-invested enterprises and their investors in their respective jurisdictions.
The competent authorities for commerce under the State Council and the departments or institutions designated by the people’s governments at and above the county level shall have in place rules of complaints handling and channels of complaints filing, and set time frame for complaints settlement, all of which shall be made available to the public.
第三十条 外商投资企业或者其投资者认为行政机关及其工作人员的行政行为侵犯其合法权益,通过外商投资企业投诉工作机制申请协调解决的,有关方面进行协调时可以向被申请的行政机关及其工作人员了解情况,被申请的行政机关及其工作人员应当予以配合。协调结果应当以书面形式及时告知申请人。
Article 30
When coordinating applications for mediation filed by foreign-invested enterprises or their investors through the complaints settlement mechanisms on administrative acts of government agencies and their staff accused of infringing upon their lawful rights and interests, the relevant departments may collect information from the accused agencies and their staff, and their cooperation is required. Applicants for mediation shall be notified of the results of mediation in writing.
Applications filed by foreign-invested enterprises and their investors for mediation on relevant issues in accordance with the provision above will not affect their applications for administrative appeal or filing of administrative litigations.
第三十一条 对外商投资企业或者其投资者通过外商投资企业投诉工作机制反映或者申请协调解决问题,任何单位和个人不得压制或者打击报复。
Article 31
No organization or individual shall mistreat or retaliate foreign-invested enterprises or their investors for raising relevant issues or applying for mediation through the complaint settlement mechanisms.
Besides the complaint settlement mechanisms for foreign-invested enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises and their investors may also raise issues with the government and its relevant departments through other lawful channels.
第三十二条 外商投资企业可以依法成立商会、协会。除法律、法规另有规定外,外商投资企业有权自主决定参加或者退出商会、协会,任何单位和个人不得干预。
Article 32
Foreign-invested enterprises may establish chambers of commerce and business associations in accordance with the law. Unless otherwise prescribed by laws or regulations, foreign-invested enterprises have the right to decide on their own whether to join or withdraw from chambers of commerce and business associations. Their decisions shall not be interfered with by any organization or individual.
Chambers of commerce and business associations shall, in accordance with laws, regulations and their respective charters, strengthen industry self-regulation, promptly forward to authorities requests from industries, provide members with services including information, consultancy, market promotions, training, market expansion, business exchanges, rights protection, dispute settlement, etc.
The State shall ensure that chambers of commerce and business associations are in a position to carry out activities in accordance with laws, regulations and their respective charters.