
摘要Two Miscellaneous Poems



















Two Miscellaneous Poems

Cao Pi




Long, and long indeed the autumn night grows;

Fierce, and fierce indeed the northern wind blows.

I toss and turn, unable to fall asleep;

I rise and roam in thoughts profound and deep.

When I wander in the open air,

The heavy dew-drops soak the coat I wear.


When I look down, the stream comes into sight;

When I look up, the moon is shedding light.

When the Milky Way points to the west,

The stars are twinkling sparsely at their best.

In the grass, the crickets make their moan;

In the sky, a swan flies south alone.


With a sea of woe and pain I roam,

Obsessed by thoughts profound and deep for home.

Without my wings, I cannot sour o’er ridges;

I cannot cross the streams without the bridges.

Toward the wind I heave a long, long sigh;

I can’t suppress my sorrow thought I cry.


(汪榕培 译)


Poems (two poems)

Cao Pi




The autumn night is long, so long,

and the northern wind, so cold.

Tossing and turning I cannot sleep,

so I get up, put a robe on, and pace up and down.

Too long, I realize, too long, I’ve been pacing,

white dew has dampened my clothes.

Lowering my head I look at the clear waters,

raising it, I stare into the bright moonlight.

The Heavenly River turns its flow to the west,

numerous stars crisscross in the sky.

Insects chirrup mournfully in the grass,

a solitary goose flies lonely to the south.

My mournful thoughts are dense and thick,

my longing for home forever lingers.

I would fly, but where are my wings?

I wish to cross the river, but find no bridge.

Facing the wind, I sigh, and sigh,

my inner being is torn apart.


(吴伏生、Graham Hartill 译)


Miscellany (1)

Cao Pi


The autumn night lasts long and still;

The northern wind blows hard and chill.

I toss and turn, can’t fall asleep,

I sit up, feeling pathos creep.

Long have I been distraught, in plight,

I feel my coat spread with dew white.

Looking down, I see water clear,

Looking up, I see the moon drear.

The Silvern River* flows back west;

The stars nearby glitter their best.

The insects in the grass sadly tweet;

The wild geese alone southward fleet.

Gloom, gloom, I feel depressed, cast down;

Long, long, I crave for my hometown.

I’d fly o’er, but no wings I grow;

I’d cross the stream, but no bright thro’.

I sigh to the wind blowing past;

My wringing pathos grows to last.


*The Silvern River: The Milky Way.


(赵彦春 译)

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