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摘要Message by Anne Hathaway to the International Women’s Day 2024

Message by Anne Hathaway for International Women’s Day 2024

Address by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway to the United Nations Commemoration for the International Women’s Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15313.html


8 March 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15313.html


Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, distinguished guests.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15313.html


To you, and especially to all the women and girls of the world – but also to all men and boys – I say: Happy International Women’ Day! I am honoured to have been invited to speak.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15313.html


I’d like to reflect on today’ theme: “Invest in women, accelerate progress.”文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15313.html


The creativity, insight, knowledge, and expertise of women in every sector of our societies, right across our world – from footballers to tech entrepreneurs to climate smart farmers to home-based mothers caring for their families, often on top of earning a living – these skills have never been more advanced and undeniable. We should all be so inspired by the determination and strong voices of young women leading climate action; by the courage of women human rights defenders.


I am personally so moved by the extraordinary resilience of the more than 614 million women and girls living in conflict areas across the world, who are keeping their families alive in the face of destruction and deprivation.


Today, more than ever, we see women holding positions of power in all aspects of society. Thank goodness. After all, we are still, as we always have been, half the world. Which begs the question: if we share this world in equal numbers, why aren’t we valued equally?


Because the ongoing, disgraceful reality is that women are not valued equally. Our current global economic system is failing women. Official Development Assistance (ODA) is more than 200 billion dollars. But just 4 per cent of ODA had gender equality and women’ empowerment as a principal objective and just 0.3 per cent of ODA is directed toward ending violence against women and girls. There is an outrageous discrepancy between what is so clearly needed and what gets prioritized.


So let’ stop this absurd double standard and finally invest in women as we deserve. For example, these days, the world is spending more on fighting than ever, even though the vital stability brought by peace is the only true enabler of progress. World military expenditure jumped 9% to a record 2.2 trillion dollars last year. How do we accept that that money was made readily available, when a fraction of it – an additional 360 billion dollars each year – is the cost of achieving gender equality across key global goals, including the goals of ending poverty and hunger? Yet we are repeatedly told “there just isn’t enough right now”, “it isn’t the right time”, “change happens slowly – be patient”.


I think I speak for a great many of us when I say the limits of patience have been thoroughly explored. If we value lives lived in prosperity and peace; lives lived without fear of violence; space in family life for leisure, learning and fair earning; the opportunities to look ahead and be part of a new world of work, then surely, surely we have reached the point where we can successfully argue women’ rights to share in such a world equally. Perhaps we can even agree that this matter is past the point of arguing.


So today, I ask you, each with your own power to decide, to vote, to influence, to spend – what do you truly value? What will you lead investment in? Will you accelerate the change we so desperately need, and make this the moment where we boldly and fairly invest in women? I hope so.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 UN Women, sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年3月11日 02:48:16