
摘要Keynote Speech by Chen Xiaodong at the Session on the Global Security Initiative of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024


践行全球安全倡议 共建一个持久和平、普遍安全的世界文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15301.html

Implementing the Global Security Initiative to Build a World of Lasting Peace and Universal Security文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15301.html



– Keynote Speech by H.E. Chen Xiaodong, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, at the Session on the Global Security Initiative of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15301.html












H.E. Zhang Ming, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),

H.E. Kairat Sarybay, Secretary General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia,

H.E. Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa, Former Foreign Minister of Indonesia,

H.E. Wang Daoxi, Vice Minister of Emergency Management of China,

Mr. Tsang Wai-hung, Chairman of the Global Economic Development and Security Forum and Deputy Commissioner of the National Narcotics Control Commission of China,

Mr. Shen Danyang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,





It is my great pleasure to join you at the Boao Forum for Asia in mid spring and attend the session on the Global Security Initiative (GSI). I look forward to an enlightening discussion and your wisdom on how we can take guidance from the GSI in our efforts to address security challenges and promote world peace.




As President Xi Jinping points out, the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation. What is the prospect of global peace? This is a question of our times and a challenge facing our world. Keeping in mind the future, security and well-being of humanity, President Xi Jinping displayed great strategic insight and global vision as the leader of a major country, and put forward the important vision and action plan of the GSI. At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs held at the end of last year, building a community with a shared future for mankind was made the noble goal of China in conducting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for the new era, with the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative serving as strategic guidance.




The GSI is underpinned by “six commitments”, specifically, commitment to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; abiding by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter; taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously; peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation; and maintaining security in both traditional and nontraditional domains. As another important public good China provides for the world, the GSI represents China’s proposal to help build global consensus to address security challenges. It has the following distinct features:




First, upholding principles and pursuing justice. Aiming to serve the common good of all, the GSI advocates a new path toward security that features dialogue, partnership and win-win over confrontation, alliance and zero-sum game. It stands firmly on the right side of history and on the side of human progress, and is conducive to realizing an equal and orderly multipolar world. It has won support and applause from over 100 countries as well as international and regional organizations, and has been written into a number of bilateral and multilateral cooperation documents between China and other countries and international organizations, generating a healthy trend in the field of international security to achieve common security through solidarity and cooperation. It demonstrates the original mission of the Communist Party of China to promote world harmony, and embodies an ideal in the Chinese culture of pursuing common good for all.




Second, taking a proactive approach to address difficult issues. As an active response to the current international dynamics, the GSI aims to offer feasible pathways to resolving disputes and differences, managing risks and crises, and addressing global security issues, and to help countries and peoples in wars and conflicts find peaceful solutions. Since the all-round escalation of the Ukraine crisis, China has released China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, conducted active shuttle diplomacy, and never given up on its efforts to promote talks for peace. When conflict broke out in northern Myanmar, China mediated and facilitated multiple rounds of peace talks in Kunming, Yunnan Province, between relevant parties, which eventually led to a number of important agreements including a formal ceasefire, playing a crucial role in easing the situation in northern Myanmar and contributing to regional peace and stability. On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has issued a position paper, and also pushed the U.N. Security Council to adopt the first resolution since the current round of conflict started. China has released China’s Position on the Afghan Issue, and strived to further consolidate the consensus and synergy among regional countries to stabilize and assist Afghanistan, playing a constructive role in the political settlement of regional hot-spot issues. China has also successfully facilitated the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This has set off a “wave of reconciliation” across the Middle East, and provided a good example for relevant regional countries to resolve disputes and differences and pursue good neighborliness. Promoting dialogue and consultation, defusing and resolving disputes have become the defining feature of the GSI.




Third, promoting synergy and cooperation. The GSI, which encourages a collective sense of unity and enhanced cooperation, injects momentum into the joint efforts of all parties to maintain world peace and tranquility. The GSI Concept Paper released by China outlines 20 priorities and five platforms/mechanisms of cooperation, with the very purpose of pooling the broadest consensus possible for international security. Faced with multiple risks and challenges, we have deepened cooperation with various parties in areas such as international peacekeeping, counterterrorism, climate change, disaster prevention and reduction, and combating transnational crime. Since the release of the GSI, we have sent multiple batches of peacekeepers to take part in missions in Lebanon, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo. We have held the first China-Pakistan-Iran trilateral consultation on counterterrorism and security, proposed the International Cooperation Initiative on Global Food Security under the framework of the G20, activated the China-Pacific Island Countries Center for Disaster Risk Reduction Cooperation, and contributed to the establishment of a training system on global law enforcement and security. We have also actively promoted security-related exchanges and cooperation under the frameworks of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, and East Asian cooperation. We continue to make good use of platforms for exchanges and dialogue on international security such as the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, the Global Public Security Cooperation Forum (Lianyungang), the China-Africa Peace and Security Forum, and the China-Latin America High-Level Defense Forum. Under the guidance of the GSI, regional security cooperation is forging ahead with a sound momentum.




Ladies and Gentlemen,





Since its release, the GSI has been widely welcomed and supported. Fundamentally, the GSI’s success lies in its relevance and value for our times and its strong vitality. The following are the key elements that make the GSI successful.




First, pursuing common security as its goal. President Xi Jinping has stressed many times that humanity live in the same global village and travel in the same boat. The GSI is based on the reality that humanity share an indivisible security community. Its goal is to respect and ensure the security of each and every country, instead of seeking dominance in international security affairs or asking others to pick sides. These are the sources of success for this much welcomed and supported initiative. China advocates the indivisibility of security, with a view to rejecting the outdated concept of exclusive security and bloc confrontation and encouraging members of the international community to approach global security issues with a more comprehensive and holistic perspective, and jointly safeguard the common security of the world with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission. Clear-eyed people are able to reach a fair conclusion. What is the GSI? What does it seek to achieve? More and more countries have come up with their own judgment and answer.




Second, following the call of the times as its guidance. The worsening international security environment today can be attributable to traditional security concepts, which are essentially about zero-sum game, absolute security, and hegemonic security. Since last year, intense conflicts have flared up in the Middle East and elsewhere, and there has been a surge in tensions in the Red Sea. All these developments show that the path to world peace and security remains long and arduous. What kind of security concepts does the world need? How can countries achieve common security? In response to these important questions of this era, the GSI seeks to offer both macro thinking of top-level design and approaches and pathways for addressing practical issues. It promotes equal-footed, inclusive and mutually beneficial cooperation, and advocates a holistic approach that values both principles and innovation. It responds to the pressing need of the international community to maintain peace and prevent conflict and war, and conceives feasible ideas and measures for all parties to work out a joint response to complex security challenges.




Third, upholding openness and inclusiveness as its principle. The GSI does not seek to build “small yard, high fence.” Nor does it target or exclude any particular country or player. We welcome all interested countries to the GSI, and support all efforts conducive to global peace and stability. Acting with an open mind and in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences, China has carried out candid communication with various parties to substantiate the initiative and explore new forms and areas of cooperation. More and more countries have come to realize that the GSI is not China’s tool in geopolitical contests, but an international public good from which all parties can benefit. We look forward to having a growing force for world peace on board for GSI cooperation.




Fourth, taking practical actions as its priority. President Xi Jinping pointed out that in the face of grave global challenges, all countries should have a keen sense of responsibility for the whole mankind, and be a doer rather than an onlooker. In implementing the GSI, China does not just talk the talk, but walk the walk with real action and good results. Our security cooperation with other parties under the GSI is making steady progress and producing early results. It demonstrates China’s sense of responsibility for maintaining world peace and China’s firm resolve to defend global security. It proves that China is a major country that honors its commitment with concrete action. China will soon release a progress report on the GSI for the reference of the international community on further advancing GSI cooperation.




Ladies and Gentlemen,





Faced with ongoing instability and changes in the world, China upholds the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind and works unremittingly with the international community, to fully implement the GSI and steer a path leading to lasting peace and universal security. In this connection, China suggests that together, we make the following efforts:




– Enhancing the connectivity of ideas to deepen international consensus on safeguarding common security. China will continue to increase communication with all parties on security ideas and policies through high-level exchanges, diplomatic consultations and interactions between counterpart departments. We support the international community in leveraging such platforms as the Boao Forum for Asia, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, the Global Public Security Cooperation Forum (Lianyungang), the Munich Security Conference, and the Shangri-La Dialogue for in-depth exchanges on the substance, significance and practice of the GSI. China will set up a GSI research center as a platform for deepening theoretical and policy research on the initiative. We welcome insights and suggestions from various quarters, which we believe will contribute to stronger international consensus on meeting challenges and preserving common security through cooperation.




– Promoting talks for peace to advance the peaceful settlement of hotspot issues. China will keep exploring the Chinese way to address hotspot issues featuring a commitment to non-interference in internal affairs, a commitment to political settlement, a commitment to objectivity and impartiality, and a commitment to addressing both symptoms and root causes. On the Ukraine crisis, China will stay in close communication with all parties to build consensus for ending the conflict and to pave the way for peace talks. China supports the holding in due course of an international peace conference that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, has the equal participation of all parties, and holds fair discussions on all peace plans. On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China will work relentlessly for an early ceasefire and greater humanitarian assistance. China supports Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations, and calls for a more broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for implementing the two-state solution. On the Red Sea situation, China will continue to play a constructive role in cooling down the tensions and continue to support the political settlement of the issue of Yemen. China will continue to actively support Afghanistan in building an inclusive political framework and adopting moderate policies to forestall the resurgence of terrorism.




– Strengthening result-oriented actions to bring about more practical cooperation for international security. China will work with all parties to take more concrete actions on the 20 priorities of GSI cooperation and expand the areas and ways of cooperation to strive for more fruitful results. We will give further play to the role of the China-U.N. Peace and Development Fund to provide greater support for multilateral security cooperation conducive to world peace and development. China is open to all actions promoting international and regional security, and stands ready to work with all countries, including Western countries, to seek the biggest common ground and take joint actions for GSI cooperation.




– Exploring new approaches to improve the global security governance system. China calls on all parties to firmly support the U.N.’s central role in global security governance and contribute insights on strengthening the U.N.’s role in the context of the forthcoming Summit of the Future. Major countries shoulder special and important responsibilities for international peace and security. They should lead by example in promoting and conducting cooperation and demonstrate a sense of responsibility commensurate with their status. China looks to the governments of all countries and intergovernmental organizations to fulfill the primary responsibilities for security governance and encourage the active participation of non-government actors, so that stronger synergy will be forged for security governance. We need to support greater efforts to explore practical approaches to challenges in new frontiers of security governance and gradually find highly adaptable and effective governance models.




– Staying focused on key areas to set a paradigm of GSI cooperation. China and fellow Asian countries live on the same continent and share the same ocean. We are inseparable from one another. China will work with other Asian countries to manage regional security affairs in a coordinated way, join forces to fight terrorism and transnational crimes, step up security cooperation on areas including nuclear facilities, cyberspace, outer space, public health, food and energy, and keep enhancing regional countries’ capacity of security governance. China will uphold fairness and justice, actively promote talks for peace, and work tirelessly for the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue and other regional hotspots. China will also push for closer cooperation in such multilateral mechanisms as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and for stronger coordination within such frameworks as East Asian cooperation and the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation. This way, we can deepen regional and subregional security cooperation and pursue a win-win path to Asian security that is by all and for all. We will set a good example for the rest of the world.




Ladies and Gentlemen,





There is a saying in Hainan that goes, “When all people work with one mind, even soil can be turned into gold.” We are convinced that as long as countries around the world work in solidarity and collaboration, no difficulties are insurmountable. The GSI belongs as much to the world as to China. China stands ready to work with all parties to ensure the sound implementation of the GSI as part of our efforts to build a beautiful world of lasting peace and universal security.




Thank you!

  • 版权声明 本文源自 外交部sisu04 整理 发表于 2024年3月28日 19:50:42