

Many ways to make the impossible possible



We’re proud of the role our foundation plays to help solve urgent problems – but we’re far from the only ones doing this work. There are so many philanthropists bringing novel approaches and unique expertise to a wide range of issues.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15188.html




The philanthropic ecosystem looks different than it did when I started doing this work over 15 years ago, and that’s a good thing. Donors around the world are bringing bold vision and lived experience to complex challenges. The African Philanthropy Forum helps African donors work together to drive inclusive, sustainable development across the continent. I’m excited by the work of foundations in India, China, and Singapore taking on local and global problems. As the next generation of philanthropists steps up, they’ll bring new ideas that raise the bar for what good giving looks like.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/15188.html




Of course, it’s not just the very wealthy who can make a difference. Small donations, taken together, make an enormous impact. Today, nearly half the world’s countries participate in GivingTuesday, a movement that has facilitated more than $13 billion in donations since its creation in 2012.




And then there are the millions of people around the world who send money from each paycheck back to their families in their home countries. This kind of giving, called remittances, reached $590 billion in 2020. That far surpassed all other sources of international aid combined.




You’d think that when people experience financial hardship, remittances would go down. But the opposite happens: People live with less so they can send more money home. During the COVID-19 pandemic, remittances went up – by 19%.




There’s so much generosity in the world. And there are more resources than ever before to help philanthropists translate their generosity into impact, from donor collaboratives – also referred to as collaborative funds – to new models of large-scale giving.




I know there are people genuinely committed to philanthropy with limited capacity to give today. But for those who can, starting now has enormous benefits.




For one thing, you’ll actually get to see the impact you make. You’ll also have time to build trust and understanding with the people doing the work. Strong partnerships are their own reward – but they also lead to greater impact. And the sooner you start, the more momentum you can build. That’s especially important when you’re working on issues where progress is measured not in months, or even years, but decades.




Giving to the areas of greatest need



Whether donors have $10 or $10 million to give, they want to know their dollars are making an impact – and with so many options of where and how to give, the decision can feel daunting. Luckily, decades of innovation and collaboration within the global philanthropic sector mean that donors don’t have to navigate the journey alone.


无论捐赠者捐了10美元还是1000万美元,他们都希望知道自己的钱正在产生影响。面对众多的捐赠项目 和捐赠方式,做出选择并不容易。幸运的是,全球慈善领域数十年的创新与合作意味着捐赠者不必独自面对这一难题。


How can givers direct their dollars to the areas of greatest need – and trust that they’re being spent efficiently?




In the United States, community foundations are an extraordinary resource. They have deep local ties and can help guide givers to the areas of greatest impact.




Donor collaboratives are a great resource for large-scale, international giving. These organizations bring givers together, provide deep expertise, and channel dollars to local organizations effectively




Donor collaboratives and their common commitment to equity




Seventy percent of collaboratives report explicitly prioritizing gender or racial equity.




Some are issue-specific, like the END Fund, which is focused on eliminating neglected tropical diseases, or the Co-Impact Gender Fund, which supports women’s leadership. Others help specific communities. Anamaya focuses on the health and nutrition of tribal communities in India. Blue Meridian Partners looks to scale solutions that expand opportunity for people living in poverty in the United States and has raised $4.5 billion since its inception.


有些共建式慈善基金专注于特定议题,如“消除基金”(END Fund)专注于消除被忽视的热带病;“共同影响性别基金”(Co-Impact Gender Fund)专注于支持女性发挥领导力。还有一些组织的目标是帮助特定社区,如 Anamaya专注于印度土著社区的健康和营养问题;“蓝色子午线伙伴基金”(Blue Meridian Partners)专注于解决扶贫方案的应用普及,从而为美国贫困人口提供更多机会,该组织自成立以来已筹集了45亿美元。


Are small organizations really equipped to absorb major gifts?




In 2020, MacKenzie Scott began giving large, unrestricted gifts to nonprofits and educational institutions, many of them small organizations. Some people questioned whether the grants were bigger than recipient organizations could handle.




But a study by the Center for Effective Philanthropy found that nonprofit leaders who received grants from Scott reported few negative consequences and were planning for the long term to minimize risks after the grants are spent. Today, those grants are strengthening nearly 2,000 effective institutions worldwide.


但“有效慈善研究中心”(Center for Effective Philanthropy)的一项研究发现,麦肯齐·斯科特女士资助的非营利组织领导人反映的负面结果很少,而且他们正在做长期规划以降低赠款用完后的风险。目前,全球有近2000个高效运营的组织受益于斯科特女士的资助。


What billions of dollars could do



There’s so much that was remarkable about Chuck Feeney’s giving, but one thing that sticks out to me is how he prioritized people furthest from opportunity.




Most rich donors express a desire to give to social change – but in practice, a greater proportion of their giving goes to elite universities and cultural institutions. Feeney did both. He gave nearly a billion to his alma mater, but he also gave billions to basic human needs.




Imagine the possibilities if more donors followed his lead. What if, alongside a $100 million dollar gift to a highly selective university, they also gave $100 million to set up a system that makes online textbooks free for every college student in the United States, forever? If a donor gave $20 million to an institution searching for a cure for cancer, and $20 million to fund research on malaria, a disease that still kills a child every minute? Or $5 million to their child’s private school and $5 million to support quality teaching across sub-Saharan Africa?




I know that very few people are willing or able to give away all their wealth. But there’s a lot of ground between Feeney’s blockbuster generosity and the current state of giving among the ultra-wealthy – and so many opportunities to make an impact.




Globally, the net worth of the world’s 2,640 billionaires is at least $12.2 trillion. With $1 billion, philanthropists could fund a set of high-impact, low-cost interventions that could save the lives of two million additional mothers and babies by 2030. With $4 billion, they could help a half-billion smallholder farmers become more climate resilient and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 1 gigaton a year by 2030. With just over $7 billion, they could get vaccines to 300 million people, preventing at least 7 million deaths.






If every billionaire on earth donated 0.5% of their wealth, it would unlock $61 billion dollars – enough to cover all the above and still have $49 billion left over.




That kind of money could create so many opportunities for so many people – but only if it gets spent, and spent well. In the United States, Canada, and Australia, philanthropic foundations are required to disburse at least 5% of their assets each year. I personally believe this could be higher – especially given that we’re talking about tax-advantaged dollars. Though it’s better than the current situation across most of Europe, where foundations face no payout requirements at all.




Today’s world has no shortage of complex problems to be tackled, or innovators ready to take them on. Around the world, they’re on the cusp of breakthroughs that can save and improve millions of lives. Some of these discoveries are already reaching people in need. Others will take some time but have the potential to change life as we know it. But without generous investment and persistent support, great ideas remain just that: ideas.




If more people step up their commitments and focus their resources on the areas of greatest need, those ideas can translate to impact. That means more farmers who can support their families no matter the weather, more children who don’t suffer from preventable diseases, and more mothers for whom childbirth is a source of joy, not fear.




Together, we can realize the full potential of philanthropy at the very moment the world needs it most.




Mark Suzman



Chief Executive Officer



Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

