
来源:UNESCO 阅读模式
摘要Message by Audrey Azoulay for the International Youth Day 2023

International Youth Day 2023

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Youth Day文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14696.html



12 August 2023文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14696.html



In June 1968, when many countries around the world were shaken by youth-led social movements, René Maheu, Director-General of UNESCO at the time, declared: “UNESCO should become the Organization for youth, the Organization where young people should be able to [...] freely [...] give form to their dreams.”文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/14696.html




Now, more than ever, contemporary challenges fall primarily on the shoulders of future generations and UNESCO is striving to be the Organization for young people.




We are working with our Member States to support youth in the areas of our mandate. This is essential work at a time when only one in two young people in the world consider their mental well-being as satisfactory.




Young people are at the very heart of our action in education. We are mobilizing not only to protect education, particularly in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to rethink it.




Our report on the Futures of Education initiative, published in November 2021, provided food for thought at the Transforming Education Summit, held at the United Nations in New York in September 2022.




We work not only for young people but also with them. Faced with the climate emergency and growing inequalities, working to defend gender equality and human rights, young people are once again on the front line.




Whether it is the dynamism of young researchers in all fields of science, the commitment of young people to protect world heritage and biosphere reserves, or their mobilization against racism and discrimination, UNESCO places the questioning, creativity and innovative strength of young people at the heart of its programmes and its thinking.




That is why we launched the Youth as Researchers (YAR) initiative during the pandemic in 2020, to support projects by young researchers on the consequences of the pandemic, and the UNESCO Global Youth Grant Scheme in 2022, to support research and social impact initiatives led by young people.




We will be putting these values into practice at the 13th UNESCO Youth Forum, dedicated to the social impact of climate change, which will be held at UNESCO Headquarters on 14 and 15 November 2023, on the sidelines of the General Conference. This event will enable over 100 young participants to exchange ideas, put forward innovative proposals, and contribute to public policy, notably through a dialogue held with our Member States’ ministers responsible for youth issues.




On this International Youth Day, UNESCO calls on every society to stand up in support of young people and listen to what they have to say. It is by giving young people the 3resources to shape their dreams that we will create a better future for everyone.



  • 版权声明 本文源自 UNESCO , sisu04 整理 发表于 2023年8月12日 01:29:29