
摘要Premier Li Addressed the Opening Ceremony of the Seventh World Conservation Congress



Address by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Opening Ceremony of the Seventh World Conservation Congress文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12058.html



September 3, 2021文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12058.html





President Emmanuel Macron,文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12058.html

Ladies and Gentlemen,







We meet at a time when the world is still battling COVID-19 and many places are hit by rare heatwaves and severe storms and floods. These public health and extreme weather events pose a severe challenge to the survival and development of humanity, and make protecting Nature and tackling global non-traditional security issues more pressing.




In its traditional culture, China has the vision for harmony between man and Nature. The Chinese government has attached high importance to Nature conservation and sustainable development. As a big country with 1.4 billion people, China respects Nature, follows its law and protects it, in the course of the modernization drive. This is a basic principle. We promote development and conservation in a mutually reinforcing way.




At the Leaders Summit on Climate held last April, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to jointly foster a community of life for man and Nature. Faced with unprecedented challenges in global environmental governance, the international community must show extraordinary resolve and action to respect Nature, follow its law and protect it, and build a beautiful world of harmony between man and Nature.




The Earth where we live is one ecosystem. We need to consider all factors of Nature, strengthen the conservation of ocean, forest, grassland and wetland, and revive the sustainability of ecosystems. We also need to step up the restoration of protected areas where endangered species of wild fauna and flora live and eco-corridors to foster a network of biodiversity conservation.




Pursuing post-COVID economic recovery is a must for the development of humanity. As we do so, we need to keep to the path of green and low-carbon recovery. We need to adopt Nature-based Solutions, develop green finance, promote the research, development and application of green technologies, and develop the circular economy, to advance industrial transformation and upgrading. We need to live a green lifestyle, promote energy conservation and emission reduction across the board, and encourage a culture of frugal consumption. The green and low-carbon pursuit will inject lasting impetus into sustainable development.




In this process, we need to tackle climate change. We need to look out for both current and long-term needs, and advance both mitigation and adaptation. We should limit greenhouse gas emissions by conserving energy and optimizing energy mix, keep increasing carbon sinks such as forest and ocean, to realize win-win in common development and ecological conservation. We should uphold multilateralism and adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.




Global environmental governance needs to be further improved. We need to adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and work for a fair and equitable system of global environmental governance for win-win cooperation. We must uphold the UN’s role as the main channel for rules-making in ecological governance, and seek the greatest common ground possible among all. Major countries need to step up to their responsibilities and play a positive leading role.




China will advance a green transition in economic and social development. China’s forest cover and stock volume have both risen for 30 years in a row. The terrestrial ecosystem types and key wild animal populations have been under effective protection. The recent elephant migration in China’s Yunnan Province, which has attracted wide attention, shows that we are protecting Nature as we protect biodiversity. China has actively implemented the Paris Agreement on climate change. Several weeks ago, China’s emission trading market was officially launched, the world’s biggest in this field.




It requires painstaking efforts for China to protect Nature and achieve sustainable development during its modernization drive. This is what China needs for its own development, and its fulfilling the common responsibility of humanity for protecting Nature. Let us work together to build a clean and beautiful world.




Thank you.
