
摘要Full Text: The Long-Standing Issue of Gender Discrimination in the United States Seriously Hinders the Realization of Women’s Human Rights within the ...


Chapter 3 The Serious Consequences of Gender Discrimination in the United States 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8306.html




Women’s human rights are an inseparable, essential part of universal human rights. Women’s human rights and their realization are important indicators of a country’s human rights situation. The serious problem of gender discrimination in the United States severely hinders the realization of women’s human rights and exacerbates social inequality in the country. It also hinders the development of the international human rights cause.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8306.html




Section 1 Gender Discrimination Constitutes a Severe Hindrance to the Realization of Women’s Human Rights in the United States.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/8306.html




Women are the mothers of human beings. Women’s issues are not only related to women themselves but also to the sustainable development of human society. Respecting and safeguarding women’s human rights and achieving gender equality are key issues and an important basis for the sustainable development of a country and its society. Goal number five of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to achieve gender equality and to empower all women and girls. During the nearly 100 years after winning the right to vote, although US women have made some progress on the road to obtain equal rights in all aspects, the existing gender discrimination in the country has seriously hindered the realization and development of women’s rights.


The UN expert group sternly pointed out that US women have not taken their rightful place as citizens and have fallen behind international standards in regards to their public and political representation, their economic and social rights, and their health and safety protections. The severe gender discrimination existing in the United States may directly affect the stable development of many US families and the healthy growth of their future generations.




Section 2 Gender Discrimination Exacerbates Social Inequality in the United States.


性别平等是社会平等的重要内容,也是实现社会公正的关键问题之一。性别歧视在一定程度上剥夺了占人口一半的妇女参与社会、经济、政治的机会和权利,社会平等、社会公正也就不可能真正实现。美国妇女在经济领域、人身安全、健康等方面的权利得不到应有的保障,导致其对自身社会地位不平等和社会不公的不满情绪不断高涨。根据盖洛普咨询公司网站2018年1月10日发布的调查数据,46%的女性受访者对自己的社会地位表示不满或非常不满,这一比例在2008年的调查中为30%。《纽约时报》网站2018年1月20日报道,数百万人参加“2018 女性游行”,对现任政府政策表示强烈抗议。美国存在的严重的性别歧视状况,加剧了美国社会本来就很严重的不平等状况,进一步撕裂了美国社会。


Gender equality is an important part of social equality and one of the key issues in achieving social justice. Gender discrimination has deprived women, who occupy half of the population, of social, economic, and political opportunities and rights to a certain extent. Under such circumstances, social equality and social justice can never be fully realized. As their economic rights, personal safety rights, health rights, and other rights are not properly protected, US women’s dissatisfaction with their social status, gender inequality, and social injustice continue to increase. According to a poll published by Gallup on its website on January 10, 2018, 46 percent of female respondents expressed dissatisfaction or extreme dissatisfaction with their social status, and in the 2008 poll, this proportion was 30 percent. The New York Times website reported on January 20, 2018, that millions of people participated in the “2018 Women’s March” to strongly protest current government policies. The severe gender discrimination existing in the United States has exacerbated social inequality in the country and further torn its society apart.




Section 3 Gender Discrimination Hinders the Development of the International Human Rights Cause.




The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of the United Nations adopted in 1993 stated: “The human rights of women and of the girl-child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life, at the national, regional and international levels, and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex are priority objectives of the international community.” The realization of the full enjoyment of human rights by human beings is the common goal of human society. In order to achieve this common goal, it is requested that gender discrimination is eliminated as soon as possible, by safeguarding women’s rights, and achieving comprehensive, systematic, and de facto equality between men and women. All these are important components of the international human rights cause. As the world’s largest economy, a permanent member of the United Nations, and an important country in today’s world and global governance system, the United States should have shown a responsible attitude toward and played an active and constructive role in the drive to eliminate gender discrimination and safeguard women’s rights. Nevertheless, the country allows gender discrimination to continue to exist and even deteriorate. Not only that, it even announced its withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council on June 19, 2018.




For years, the United States has been practicing “double standards” on human rights issues. It uses human rights just as a tool to maintain world hegemony, criticize other countries and interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, while neglecting its own serious human rights issues, such as gender discrimination. The United States even shows a negative attitude toward and resistance of its obligations under the international human rights conventions. What the country has done runs counter to the values and objectives regarding human rights, which are common to all humanity. The United States has increasingly become a “disturber” and a “troublemaker” in the international human rights field and has seriously jeopardized the healthy development of the international human rights cause.

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