
摘要Speech by President Xi Jinping at the 2nd Full Assembly of the 6th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee (Excerpt)


II. Comprehensively improving and regulating intraparty political behaviors and activities文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3223.html




Earnest intraparty political norm constitutes an important feature that distinguishes our Party, a Marxist political party, from other political parties, as well as a glorious tradition that we have long upheld. Our long-term endeavors have proved that, earnest intraparty political norm plays an instrumental role in maintaining the essence, tenets, advanced nature, and purity of our Party, in resolving its problems, in tempering the Party spirit of its members and officials, and in purifying Party conduct.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3223.html




As an old Chinese saying goes, “The line marker (a form of ruler used by carpenters in ancient China) was invented because wood does not grow in straight lines.” With a focus on improving and regulating intraparty political activities and conducts and enhancing the Party’s internal oversight, this plenary session has truly adopted a problem-oriented approach. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, as we have continued to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline, problems within our Party have become increasingly evident. In addition to their insatiable desire for money and dissolute lifestyles, people like Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, and Ling Jihua were driven by an over-inflated sense of political ambition. They hatched political plots, feigning compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them and forming self-serving cliques. The grave political problems exposed by their cases have given me much food for thought. This is why I have reiterated, over the past three years, the political need to understand and carry out efforts to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/3223.html




On November 16, 2012, at the First Session of the Political Bureau of the 18th Central Committee, I said that we needed to set an example in observing the Party’s organizational principles and code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities, and in knowing the rules and following the code of discipline. On November 20 that year, I published an article in the People’s Daily entitled “Earnestly Studying and Strictly Observing the Party Constitution,” in which I emphasized the need to strictly implement all regulations on intraparty political activities provided in the Party Constitution, have the courage to uphold principles and conduct criticism and self-criticism, and take the lead in promoting healthy practices and opposing unhealthy ones.




On January 22, 2013, at the Second Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), I stated, “To improve our work style, we need to purify the political environment and create a sound environment that is conducive to clean government.” On June 25, the Political Bureau convened a dedicated meeting to examine how the Central Committee’s eight-point code of conduct was being implemented, and to discuss and deliberate measures for further improving Party conduct. At that meeting I noted, “We demand that Party organizations at all levels, Party members and officials, and especially leading officials, observe the Party Constitution, act in line with the Party’s organizational principles and code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities, and subject themselves to the Party’s disciplinary restrictions in a conscious manner. No individual is allowed to place themselves above Party organizations, and members of the Political Bureau should lead by example in this regard.”


2014年,10月8日,我在党的群众路线教育实践活动总结大会上讲: “党内政治生活是党组织教育管理党员和党员进行党性锻炼的主要平台,从严治党必须从党内政治生活严起。有什么样的党内政治生活,就有什么样的党员、干部作风。”“从严治党,最根本的就是要使全党各级组织和全体党员、干部都按照党内政治生活准则和党的各项规定办事。”10月23日,我在党的十八届四中全会第二次全体会议上讲到党员、干部特别是领导干部要严守政治纪律和政治规矩时强调:“一些人无视党的政治纪律和政治规矩,为了自己的所谓仕途,为了自己的所谓影响力,搞任人唯亲、排斥异己的有之,搞团团伙伙、拉帮结派的有之,搞匿名诬告、制造谣言的有之,搞收买人心、拉动选票的有之,搞封官许愿、弹冠相庆的有之,搞自行其是、阳奉阴违的有之,搞尾大不掉、妄议中央的也有之,如此等等。有的人已经到了肆无忌惮、胆大妄为的地步!而这些问题往往没有引起一些地方和部门党组织的注意,发现了问题也没有上升到党纪国法高度来认识和处理。这是不对的,必须加以纠正。”这就是“七个有之”,我主要是从政治上讲的。


On October 8, 2014, at a meeting summarizing the campaign to study and practice the Party’s guiding principle of serving and relying on the people, I stated, “Intraparty political behaviors and activities represent a major platform where Party organizations educate and manage Party members and where Party members temper their Party spirit. To govern the Party with strict discipline, we must begin by strictly regulating its internal political behaviors and activities. The nature of such activities defines the conduct of our Party members and officials.” “The very essence of governing the Party with strict discipline is to ensure that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and officials act in line with the code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities and regulations of the Party.” On October 23, at the Second Full Assembly of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee, I required that Party members and officials, especially leading officials, strictly observe political discipline and political rules. I emphasized that, “Some officials have disregarded the Party’s political discipline and political rules. In a bid to enhance their so-called ‘official careers’ and ‘influence,’ there are those who have engaged in cronyism, discriminating against those who do not belong to their grouping; there are those who have formed self-serving cliques; there are those who have anonymously lodged false accusations and fabricated rumors; there are those who have engaged in popularity-courting and the rigging of elections; there are those who have promised others official posts and celebrated mutual appointments; there are those who have acted willfully and feigned compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them; and there are those who have overestimated their influence and made presumptuous comments on the decisions of the Central Committee. Some of these people have been utterly brazen and reckless. Nevertheless, these problems have often failed to capture the attention of Party organizations in some localities and departments. Even when discovered, they have seldom been treated and addressed as violations of Party discipline and state law. This is wrong and must be put right.” These are the “seven types of misconduct” I have mentioned, and they are predominantly political.


2015年,1月13日,我在十八届中央纪委五次全会上强调,遵守政治纪律和政治规矩,必须维护党中央权威,在任何时候任何情况下都必须在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致;必须维护党的团结,坚持五湖四海, 团结一切忠实于党的同志;必须遵循组织程序,重大问题该请示的请示,该汇报的汇报,不允许超越权限办事;必须服从组织决定,决不允许搞非组织活动,不得违背组织决定;必须管好亲属和身边工作人员,不得默许他们利用特殊身份谋取非法利益。这就是我讲的“五个必须”。10月29日,我在党的十八届五中全会第二次全体会议上强调:“现在,确实需要修复政治生态,把我们党的光荣传统和优良作风大大恢复和发扬起来。在这方面,中央委员会的同志要在党言党、在党忧党、在党为党,带好头、做好表率。”


On January 13, 2015, at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CCDI, I stated that in observing political discipline and political rules, Party officials must safeguard the authority of the Central Committee and maintain a high degree of unity with the Central Committee ideologically, politically, and in their actions at all times and under all circumstances; uphold the solidarity of the Party and unite all loyal members, regardless of background; follow organizational procedures, and request instructions from and submit reports to higher-level Party committees with regard to major issues rather than overstep their authority; comply with the decisions of Party organizations, never engaging in any unauthorized activities or violating the decisions of Party organizations; and restrain their family members and aides, never tacitly allowing the latter to seek illegitimate interests in their special capacity. These are the “five must-do’s” I have talked about. On October 29, at the Second Full Assembly of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee, I stated, “At present, it is indeed necessary to restore our political environment and revive and carry forward our Party’s fine traditions and conduct. In this regard, members of the Central Committee should set an example in conducting ourselves as Party members, sharing the Party’s concerns, and devoting ourselves to it.”




On July 1, 2016, at the ceremony marking the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, I noted, “We need to improve and regulate intraparty political activities and conducts, strictly enforce the Party’s political discipline and political rules, make intraparty political behaviors and activities more in line with political requirements, more relevant to the current time, more principled, and more effective, and comprehensively purify the political environment within the Party.”




Over the last several years, I have reiterated the need to tighten intraparty political behaviors and activities. This is because our Party has come to a pivotal point; major changes in our ranks and new developments in the relationship between the Party, its officials, and the public urgently demand that we engage in political efforts to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline.




The Code adopted at this plenary session not only spells out in detail the regulations and requirements provided in the Party Constitution, but also systematically organizes a series of rules and measures that have been developed in recent years through our efforts to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline. Taking aim at prominent problems within the Party, the Code defines specific regulations with regard to 12 aspects, identifying problems as well as prescribing solutions for both their symptoms and the root causes. The effectiveness of the Code hinges on its full implementation, and this requires the following efforts.


第一,抓好思想教育这个根本。“欲事立,须是心立。”加强思想教育和理论武装,是党内政治生活的首要任务,是保证全党步调一致的前提。毛泽东同志曾经指出: “掌握思想教育,是团结全党进行伟大政治斗争的中心环节。”党内政治生活出现这样那样的问题,根子还是一些党员、干部理想信念这个“压舱石”发生了动摇,世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”出现了松动。理想信念,源自坚守,成于磨砺。要坚持不懈强化理论武装,毫不放松加强党性教育,持之以恒加强道德教育,教育引导广大党员、干部筑牢信仰之基、补足精神之钙、把稳思想之舵,坚守真理、坚守正道、坚守原则、坚守规矩,明大德、严公德、守私德,重品行、正操守、养心性,做到以信念、人格、实干立身。


First, we need to attach fundamental importance to political education.


As an old Chinese saying goes, “An unwavering mind is essential to a successful undertaking.” Enhancing political education and better equipping Party members with theories represent the primary task of regulating and improving intraparty political behaviors and activities, and a precondition for ensuring the coordination of the entire Party. As Mao Zedong pointed out, “Political education is the key link to be grasped in uniting the whole Party for great political struggles.” The various problems that have emerged in our intraparty political activities are fundamentally attributable to the fact that some Party members and officials have wavered in their ideals, beliefs, worldview, outlook on life, and values. Ideals and beliefs are derived from persistence and established after being tempered through hardships. We should make persistent efforts to equip our Party members and officials with theories and to enhance Party spirit and moral education. We must guide them in reinforcing their beliefs, inner strength, and thoughts, and ensure that they uphold truth, keep to the correct path, follow principles and rules, uphold public and personal morals, and improve their character and conduct so that they establish themselves on the basis of beliefs, dignity, and diligence.




Intraparty political behaviors and activities, the political environment, and political culture are mutually reinforcing. Political culture represents the soul of political conduct, and exerts an invisible, formative influence on the political environment. We should attach importance to the development of intraparty political culture, encourage loyalty, honesty, frankness, fairness, decency, down-to-earth practice, perseverance, and uprightness, and unequivocally oppose vulgar and depraved political cultures such as networking, “Thick Black Theory,” the art of officialdom, and hidden rules, in a sustained effort to lay down solid foundations for a sound political environment.




Second, we need to attach key importance to strict discipline.


As an old Chinese saying goes, “To check flatness and straightness, carpenters must use leveling instruments and ink markers; to check the accuracy of squares and circles, they must use squares and compasses.” Strict discipline represents an inherent requirement of and important guarantee for improving and regulating intraparty political behaviors and activities. We need to enhance institutional restrictions within the Party and build a sturdier institutional cage. Political discipline and political rules constitute the most fundamental and important disciplinary codes of the Party; the observance of political discipline and political rules is fundamental to the observance of all other forms of Party discipline. Party organizations at all levels and Party members should consciously abide by political discipline and political rules, and enhance political commitment, see the bigger picture, follow the core leadership of the Party, and stay aligned with the CPC Central Committee, ensuring that they always uphold the correct political beliefs, political stance, and political orientation.




We must ensure that all orders are executed and all prohibitions are heeded without fail. We must resolutely punish all violations of discipline, ensuring that the Party’s disciplinary code and rules genuinely become a high-voltage line that nobody dares to touch, and preventing the emergence of “broken windows” in this regard. In line with the guiding principles of the Code, we need to review relevant rules and regulations, revising and supplementing existing regulations and formulating new ones where needed, so as to ensure that we have clearly defined guidelines for intraparty political norm and conduct. Party organizations at all levels should assume responsibility for the enforcement of discipline and rules. Oversight and accountability must be strengthened, and those responsible for lack of due diligence in this regard must be strictly held to account. On this basis, we will make continued efforts to impose strict, concrete, and stringent standards rather than loose, lax, and soft ones in the management of the Party.




Third, we need to exert the guiding role of official selection and appointment.


The way that officials are selected and appointed demonstrates whether intraparty political activities and conducts are healthy. Misconduct and corruption in this regard jeopardize political norm in a most severe manner, and adopting a correct approach to official appointment represents a fundamental means of tightening intraparty political activities. We should adhere to sound criteria for officials, judging them strictly by their political ideals, character, conduct, and integrity. On this basis, we should commend and put in key positions officials who are loyal, upright, responsible, pragmatic, industrious, and enterprising, who wholeheartedly serve the people, and who have done a splendid job, while marginalizing and disciplining those who feign compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them, curry favor, engage in falsification rather than solid work, and cultivate connections for promotion. Major efforts should be made to rectify misconduct in official selection and appointment, prevent the “bad money” from driving out the good, and create a clean environment for personnel appointment that helps to ensure political integrity. We also need to establish a sound framework of systems for strictly managing and overseeing officials, so that the management of officials is no longer considered to be less important than their appointment. At the same time, we should put in place mechanisms to permit and rectify mistakes, and strengthen positive incentives, so as to ensure that officials are motivated, industrious, and brave enough to assume responsibility.




Fourth, we need to make good use of regular collective activities within the Party.


Collective activities within the Party represent an important aspect and vehicle of intraparty political norm and conduct, and an important means by which Party organizations educate, manage, and oversee their members. The strength and capability of a Party organization is closely connected to the quality of its collective activities. In order to educate, manage, and oversee Party members on a regular basis, we need to ensure that a range of systems are properly practiced. These include systems for Party branch general meetings, meetings of the Party branch committee, Party group meetings, and Party lectures (known as “three meetings and one lecture”); meetings of criticism and self-criticism among members in leadership positions; collective meetings of both higher-level and lower-level Party organizations that are attended by leading officials; the democratic assessment of Party members; and open discussions. In addition, we need to adopt new approaches to collective activities within the Party, with a view to making these activities more attractive and appealing as well as enhancing their quality and effectiveness.




Criticism and self-criticism are effective tools that our Party uses to remedy problems and stay healthy, and important methods to improve and regulate political norm and conduct. Leading officials and leading bodies should set an example in this regard and foster a sound atmosphere that is conducive to criticism and self-criticism. Leading officials should firmly oppose the ignoble philosophy of letting things drift if they do not affect them personally, and saying as little as possible when knowing perfectly well that something is wrong. They should overcome misguided tendencies such as attempting to conceal one’s mistakes and continuing to behave in a way one knows to be wrong.




Fifth, we need to lay emphasis on both tradition and innovation.


The fine traditions of intraparty political behaviors and activities that our Party has developed over the long term have always been and will continue to be a valuable asset. We must not abandon our fine traditions or revolutionary heritage, as doing so would be to abandon our soul and degenerate. Meanwhile, taking account of new conditions, we need to better exert the role of intraparty political norm by improving its contents, forms, means, and methods, and use new experiences to guide new practices, striving to create a political atmosphere within the Party in which we have both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, and both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness.




To implement the Code, it is essential that we effectively resolve outstanding problems in intraparty political behaviors and activities. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and officials should ensure that their thoughts and actions comply with the Code. They should confront existing problems, acknowledge their own inadequacies, and strive to surmount deep-seated problems. On the one hand, we should strive to resolve outstanding problems of the kind that occur in large numbers and on a widespread basis, such as arbitrariness, dictatorial style, liberalism, and decentralism in work; going through the motions instead of doing the real work, excessive bureaucracy, over-spending and self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking and extravagance; abuse of power, embezzlement and bribery, moral degeneration, and violations of the law and codes of discipline; cases in which codes of discipline go ignored, the enforcement of discipline is lax, and violations of codes of discipline go unpunished; and lack of drive, lack of courage to take responsibility, incompetence, inertia, and nonfeasance. These problems are easily perceived by the public, and have clear boundaries. The focus of our efforts in this regard should be to intensify institutional restrictions. On the other hand, we should work to resolve problems that are highly political and have a devastating effect, such as refusal to maintain unity with the Central Committee on major issues or to uphold the Party’s political discipline and political rules; disloyalty, dishonesty, fake compliance, falsification, and duplicity in front of the Party; cronyism and favoritism for personal gains in personnel appointment, cultivating of connections for promotion, buying and selling of official posts, and rigging of elections by paying for votes; and formation of self-serving cliques and overinflated sense of political ambition. These problems are largely invisible and only manifest themselves at critical moments. The focus of our efforts in this regard should be to identify criteria, promptly crack down on typical cases, and create effective mechanisms against such behaviors.




Intraparty political norm and conduct are complex in composition, and problems in this regard tend to vary in different localities, departments, and organizations. What we need is the courage to confront these problems and the capability to resolve them. Continued efforts should be made to resolve whatever problems arise, focus on whatever problem is difficult, and surmount whatever problem is outstanding. When dealing with these problems, we need to conduct comprehensive analysis and draw inferences from them, so as to ensure that all our measures and endeavors are conducive to improving and regulating intraparty political behaviors and activities and to purifying the political environment within our Party.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 求是sisu04 整理 发表于 2017年7月20日 01:56:14