



英文巴士 首页 文学翻译外国作品


Sara Teasdale - Let it be Forgotten 汉译
余光中、徐翰林 译
2010-8-4 10:39
Sara Teasdale - Over the Roofs 汉译
胡适 译
2010-8-4 10:22
Robert Browning - You'll Love Me Yet 汉译
胡适 译
2010-8-4 10:13
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Music, When Soft Voices die 汉译
胡适;卞之琳;崔健 译
2010-8-4 09:49
Thomas Hardy - In the Moonlight 汉译
胡适 译
2010-8-4 09:48
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Song to the Men of England 汉译
卞之琳 译
2010-8-1 03:53
Percy Bysshe Shelley - A Song 汉译
苏曼殊 译
2010-8-1 03:20
Wallace Stevens - Pinter Quince at the Clavier 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:14
Robert Frost - The Gift Outright 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:13
Robert Frost - Come In 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:12
Robert Frost - Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 汉译
余光中;顾子欣 译
2010-7-29 13:12
Emily Dickinson - Presentiment Is That Shadow on the Lawn 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:10
Emily Dickinson - There is No Frigate Like a Book 汉译
余光中;秦希廉 译
2010-7-29 13:09
Emily Dickinson - The Mushroom 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:08
Emily Dickinson - The Butterfly’s Day 汉译
余光中 译
2010-7-29 13:07



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