






2015-5-17 23:37| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 340| 评论: 0|来自: 澳大利亚总理府

摘要: A Message from Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

A Message from the Prime Minister


16 May 2015


Over coming days, my colleagues and I will be talking about the benefit of the Budget for families, for small business and for our economy.


The Budget is the next step in our economic plan for jobs, for growth and for opportunity.


It is responsible, measured and fair.


It cuts taxes and will create jobs and it delivers a responsible path back to surplus.


Since the last election, our economy has created a quarter of a million new jobs and the centrepiece of this Budget is a plan to create even more.


Of course, small businesses provide 4.5 million Australians with their jobs.


They provide four in ten jobs in the private sector, six in ten in construction and eight in ten in agriculture.


This Budget cuts the small business company tax rate to the lowest in almost 50 years.


And for two years, we’re giving all small businesses an immediate tax deduction on any asset they buy costing up to $20,000.


This will benefit over 95 per cent of all Australian businesses.


This Budget also delivers for families.


Our Jobs for Families reform will deliver a simpler, more affordable and more accessible child care system.


It will provide parents with greater choice when it comes to balancing work and family.


And low- and middle-income families will be $1500 a year better off if they’re using the child care system.


If you want to know more about how this Budget helps you and your family, visit www.budget.gov.au.







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