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2014-10-23 21:40| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 15| 评论: 0|来自: 理论中国

摘要: 《习近平关于实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦论述摘编》节选——实干才能梦想成真(英文、法文、俄文、日文、西文、阿文)


Hard Work Makes Dreams Come True




Achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a glorious and arduous undertaking that requires the common efforts of generation after generation of Chinese people. Empty talk harms the country and hard work makes it flourish. Our generation of Communists must inherit the past and set a new course for the future, do our Party building well, unite with all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation to build our country and develop our nation well, and continue to boldly advance toward the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.




– Excerpt from a speech at the exhibition “The Road of Rejuvenation,” November 29, 2012




We need to genuinely implement a good blueprint to the end and earnestly accomplish something significant. We need to proceed in the spirit of hammering nails. More often than not it takes more than one strike to hammer a nail. That is to say, achievement takes continuous effort and you cannot just stop in the middle of a job and leave it half done. We need to have the spirit of accomplishing a task without taking credit.




– Excerpts from a speech at the second meeting of the Second Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee, February 28, 2013




Faced with the mighty tide of the times and the great expectations of the people for a better life, we cannot become complacent or indolent in the slightest. We must redouble our efforts and forge ahead relentlessly as we continue to carry forward the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and struggle to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.




– Excerpts from a speech at the First Session of the Twelfth NPC, March 17, 2013




We must continue to esteem labor and compensate laborers well. Labor is the source of wealth and happiness. People’s beautiful dreams can be realized only through honest labor; all the difficulties that arise in the course of development can be solved only through honest labor; and everything in life that is glorious can be cast only through honest labor. Labor shaped the Chinese nation and its glorious history and it will shape its brilliant future as well. “There is nothing that cannot be accomplished through hard work.” We must firmly adopt the thinking that labor is what is most honorable, most sublime, most excellent and most beautiful; and get all the people to have greater enthusiasm for labor and release their creative potential to create a better life through labor.




– Excerpts from a speech at the discussion session with national model workers, April 28, 2013




A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. There is a bright future for our country’s development, but it will not be easy. We cannot accomplish our master plan in one single effort, and we cannot realize our dreams overnight. Everything in the world was hard won. The more beautiful the future, the harder we must work for it.




– Excerpts from a speech at the discussion session with national model workers, April 28, 2013




Dreams start with study and undertakings start with practice. In today’s world, knowledge and information are quickly updated, and anyone who slacks even a little in their studies will fall behind. Some people say that everyone’s world is a circle, and that knowledge is its radius. The bigger the radius, the vaster the world.




– Excerpts from a speech at the centenary celebration event of the Western Returned Scholars Association, October 21, 2013




To realize the Chinese Dream, we must ultimately rely on the hard work of all the people. Good fortune will not happen suddenly on its own. We especially need to strengthen the education of our young people so that they can embrace the idea of doing hard, honest and creative work from an early age. We cannot allow them to develop the wrong attitude of being a lazy glutton, leading a life of leisure, idling away one’s time, advancing through life by dubious means and enjoying the fruits of someone else’s labor. This is a long-term plan that has a direct bearing on the development of our nation, and we must implement it well. We should foster the fine qualities of our country’s working class throughout society and energetically publicize the exemplary deeds of model workers and other role models. We should get the view that labor is what is most honorable, most sublime, most excellent and most beautiful to become the prevailing trend; and get all the people to have greater enthusiasm for labor and release their creative potential to create a better life through labor.




– Excerpt from a group discussion with the new leading body of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, October 23, 2013







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