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2014-10-1 21:32| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 87| 评论: 0|来自: 国新办

摘要: 国务院新闻办公室于2014年9月25日上午举行新闻发布会,请国家民族事务委员会副主任罗黎明、国家民族事务委员会经济发展司司长乐长虹介绍民族工作三个国家级专项规划实施的有关情况,并答记者问。


Speech at the Press Conference on the Implementation of Three National Programs for the Work for Ethnic Minorities


国家民族事务委员会副主任 罗黎明

Mr. Luo Liming, Vice Minister, State Ethnic Affairs Commission



September 25, 2014




Friends from press, ladies and gentlemen,




Good morning, everyone!




First, I’d like to thank you all for the long time support and consideration for the ethnic work. Just now, the moderator mentioned that the State Ethnic Affairs Commission coordinated related departments of the State Council to formulate and implement three National Programs since 2005 during the 11th and 12th Five Year Plan periods, namely the “Program to Support the Development of Minorities with Less Population”, “Program of Revitalizing Border and Enriching the People” and “Program of Developing Ethnic Minorities”. The three Programs are important measures for the CPC and the Government to implement effective management in the area of ethnic work, and are significant vehicles for better ethnic work under new circumstances. Since the implementation of the Programs, with earnest regards from the CPC central leadership and the State Council and strong support and tireless efforts from related provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, various works have made smooth progress, with effects and results gradually shown and periodical achievements attained.




Here, I’d like to brief you on the implementation of the above-mentioned programs respectively.



1. The Program of Revitalizing Border and Enriching the People




China shares with 14 countries its 22,000-kilometer land border, of which 19,000 kilometers are in ethnic autonomous regions. The country’s border regions cover 136 counties with a total area of 2.12 million square kilometers, out of which 107 are ethnic autonomous counties. The population of the border areas totals 23 million and half of the people are ethnic minorities, with more than 30 minority ethnic groups living across the land border. Development in the border areas shows a large gap from the inland areas due to historical, natural and geographical reasons.




The Program of Revitalizing Border and Enriching the People aims to enhance the infrastructure, improve people’s working and living conditions, develop leading-edge industries with distinctive characteristics and increase income of the local people through fostering government support in an all-round way. The mission of the Program is set to accelerate the economic and social development of the border areas, therefore to reach the goal of “making the people prosperous, making the border areas flourishing, strengthening the country and befriending the neighboring countries”. Since the implementation of the 12th Five Year Plan, various departments of the State Council acknowledged tasks and objectives respectively according to the Plan, incorporate the tasks into their individual annual plans and effectively implemented them. In the first 3 years of the 12th Five Year Plan period, the central fiscal authority earmarked 6.511 billion yuan in total for the Program, and arranged 27.75 billion yuan of transfer payments to the border areas. The border provinces and autonomous regions formulated corresponding measures and policies to integrate resources and drove forward in full speed. Along with the implementation of the Program, the border areas built up a large amount of infrastructure facilities, as well as many projects for people’s livelihood as featured industries, agricultural and ecological development programs and cultural and educational programs. These measures evidently improved the living and working conditions in the border areas, improved the standard of living for the inhabitants and strongly pushed forward the economic and social development of the border areas.




In 2013, the total GDP of 136 land border counties reached 809.7 billion yuan, up 58% over 2010 and 21 percentage points higher than the national growth rate. The per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of rural residents reached 19,168 and 7,580 yuan respectively, an increase of 6,108 yuan and 2,749 yuan over 2010. 20,072 kilometers of new highways were built in the border areas, reducing the number of administrative villages inaccessible to highway from 441 to 175. Population without electricity decreased by 2.005 million, and that without accesses to safe drinking water was down by 3.81 million. Decrepit houses were renovated for about 253,000 households. The new rural corporative medical system and rural minimum living standard security system were established in all border counties. With these concrete benefits brought by it, the Program of Revitalizing Border and Enriching the People was honored by all people of various ethnicities in the border areas as “project winning the people’s heart” and “project of benevolence”.



2. Program to Support the Development of Minorities with Less Population




The Program to Support the Development of Minorities with Less Population in the 12th Five Year Plan is targeted to support the compact communities of 28 ethnic minority groups with a population less than 300,000, with a focus on 2,119 administrative villages inhabited by the less populous ethnic groups. The Program adheres to a guideline of “the national government provides support, provincial government take overall responsibility, prefectures and counties implement projects in an all-round way in each village as a whole”. Priorities were set to provide the villages inhabited by less populous ethnic groups with accesses to 5 types of infrastructure services and 10 living and working facilities by 2015.These include asphalt roads, electricity, radio and television, telecommunication (telephone and broadband cable), biogas (clean energy), safe drinking water, homes for settlement, clean toilets, high and stable yield basic farms (e.g. grass lands, economic forests and aquaculture waters) or supplementary trades to increase residents’ income, pre-school education, clinics, cultural and recreational rooms, village libraries, facilities for sports and ethnic cultural activities, administrative offices, village groceries and trustworthy shops of agricultural materials.


2011-2014年中央共安排专项资金51.75亿元,实施基础设施建设、生产发展、社会发展等各类项目7000多个。据初步统计,20112013年,2119个村累计新增和改扩建乡村公路里程24000多公里,新修农田水利设施1万多处,新修村卫生室和文化室面积18.5万平方米,新增经济林果面积17.3万亩,新增人工改良草场及草料地面积83.9万亩,到村入户项目直接覆盖的农牧民有60万户、250万人(次)。到2013年底, 2119个村农牧民人均纯收入5179元,比2010年增长47%。经过多年的扶持,人口较少民族聚居地区发生了明显变化,群众生产生活条件日益改善,增收渠道不断拓宽,社会事业协调并进,少数民族群众精神面貌焕然一新。尤其是有一些人口较少民族,如京族、赫哲族、高山族、锡伯族等的聚居村人均收入超过或接近全国平均水平,他们的发展水平在各少数民族中是靠前领先的。其他人口较少民族的发展水平与自身相比也都有很大提高。


From 2011 to 2014, the central governments arranged special funds of 5.175 billion yuan to implement more than 7,000 projects of infrastructure, productivity development and social development. According to preliminary statistics covering 2,119 villages between 2011 and 2013, more than 24,000 kilometers of rural highway were constructed or extended, more than 10,000 rural irrigation and water conservancy facilities built, and 185,000 square kilometers of clinics and recreational rooms added. The area of economic forests and orchards grew by 173,000 mu (about 115 square kilometers), and that of artificially sown grass and improved meadows grew by 839,000 mu (about 559 square kilometers). Projects reaching villages and households covered 600,000 households and 2.5 million people (times). By the end of 2013, the per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen in the 2,119 villages reached 5,179 yuan, up 47% over 2010. After many years of support, remarkable changes have taken place in regions inhabited by the less populous ethnic minority groups, where people’s working and living conditions have seen daily improvement; sources of income expanded continuously; social undertakings progressed in a coordinated way and the spirit of the ethnic minorities taken on an entirely new look. The income of some ethnic minority groups with less population in particular, such as the Jing, the Hezhen, the Gaoshan, the Xibe and the Yugur, have got close to or surpassed the national average. Their development levels are in the leading place among all ethnic minority groups. Other less populous minority ethnic groups have also witnessed great advancement in their development level compared with that in the past.



3. Program of Developing Ethnic Minorities




The Program of Developing Ethnic Minorities is a significant move to accelerate the development of ethnic minorities and their inhabited areas, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minority groups, consolidate socialist ethnic relationship and promote unity among all ethnic groups and to make concerted efforts to achieve common prosperity and development by adhering to and perfecting the system of regional ethnic autonomy. The Program of Developing Ethnic Minorities prioritized and started from solving prominent challenges in the economic and social development of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority regions. It puts forward major tasks covering eight aspects, such as promoting economic development, expediting social undertakings, making ethnic cultures thriving, consolidating ethnic unity, enhancing talent input, improving policies and regulations, expanding external exchanges and constructing service system.




Since the implementation of the Program, various departments of the State Council and regions determined objectives and assignments and made conscientious efforts in the implementation, thus making outstanding achievements in the undertakings related to ethnic minority groups. Since the 11th Five Year Plan period, the central authorities have arranged various types of transfer payment fund of 5.3 trillion yuan in total to the eight ethnic minority concentrated provinces and autonomous regions, which had strongly pushed forward the sustained, rapid and sound economic and social development in the ethnic minority regions. Implementation measures have been formulated and carried out by the concerned provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), with focus on integrating the Program with the overall planning and relevant special Programs of the relative localities, which forcefully facilitate the implementation of the Program and promote economic development in the ethnic minority concentrated areas. From 2010 to 2013, the GDP of the eight ethnic minority concentrated provinces and autonomous regions had grown from 4,205.3 billion yuan to 6,477.2 billion yuan, and GDP per capita from 22,196 yuan to 33,711 yuan. The government revenue rose from 1,174.9 billion yuan to 2,063.9 billion yuan. Per capita net income of rural residents increased from 4,236 yuan to 6,579 yuan and disposable income of urban residents from 15,926 yuan to 22,699 yuan.




In general, the ethnic minority concentrated areas have been maintaining rapid economic and social development and have seen unceasing improvement in the people’s livelihood since the implementation of the Program of Developing Ethnic Minorities. In particular, infrastructures like transportation facilities have been prominently improved; the ecological environment has been gradually restored and changed toward a good momentum in general; featured leading-edge industries has been growing stronger; and the level of opening up has been rising. Thanks to the prominent improvement of people’s living standards, the cohesive and centripetal power of the Chinese nation has been reinforced, which lay a solid foundation for the fully achievement of a well-off society in an all-round way in these regions simultaneously with other parts of the country in 2020. 





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