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2013-10-16 02:55| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 32| 评论: 0|来自: 世行

摘要: World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim’s Speech at George Washington University - The World Bank Group Strategy: A Path to End Poverty

A World Bank Group strategy



Our answer is that for the first time, we have a strategy that will bring together the entire World Bank Group – the Bank, which works with governments; the IFC, our private sector arm; and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, or MIGA, which provides political risk insurance. We just released it a few days ago. Never before have we defined a strategy that gives us a comprehensive roadmap to guide all parts of our institution around common goals and principles.




Why is this important? Bureaucracies sometimes operate in ways that keep people away from each other. They tend to create self-enclosed areas of influence. These areas become well-guarded bunkers, or silos. I know something about silos. I grew up in Iowa, and we had lots of them. Those silos of corn stood starkly alone, especially during those long cold winters.  Silos perform a critical function in the cornfields of Iowa but they have no place at the World Bank Group.




How can we – or any other large organization – meet our highest aspirations of serving the poor if we work in a collection of silos? We need to connect the brilliant minds in our institution so that their knowledge flows freely.




The World Bank Group strategy is based on the conviction that the entire organization will work and together as a seamless whole to achieve our inspiring goals. And we know that if we are to have any chance to succeed, we must be selective – first, we must choose our priorities and then, abandon those activities that don’t make the cut.




What will we stop doing? We won’t continue working in areas in which others are better. We won’t enter projects for the sole purpose of meeting volume targets for the year. We won’t take on projects just to plant our flag on the ground. And we won’t tolerate behavior that promotes individual interests over the common good.




So what are our principles?




We will ensure that all our activities have a relentless focus on our two goals.




We will become better partners to others so that together we can achieve those goals.




We will be bold.




We will take risks –smart risks. And by that, I mean we will invest in projects that can help transform the development of a country or a region – even if it means we might fail.




We will excel at delivering local solutions by taking our global knowledge and making sure it is available to countries and companies that need it.




We will take advantage of our deep experience to lead cutting-edge global practices on issues such as finance, education, health, infrastructure, energy, and water.




We will always look for opportunities to help countries invest in their people. We must help countries become more competitive, and a powerful way for them to do so is by investing in the education, health, and job training of their citizens.




And we will look to create innovative financial tools that can open up new opportunities for long-term financing that countries desperately need.


而且我们将寻求开发 创新型融资工具,开拓提供各国急需的长期资金的新渠道。


Making the strategy a reality



Our strategy calls for us to become a Solutions Bank with results for the poor as our central benchmark.  Three elements of the strategy are worth highlighting.




First, we will partner with the private sector to use their expertise and capital to fight poverty.  This is particularly important to create good jobs for the poor.




Second, we will increase our commitment to fragile and conflict-affected states, which will require us to be bolder, take more risks, and commit more resources.




And third, we will be as ambitious as possible on issues that are of global importance, including investing in women and girls and combatting climate change. Our response to climate change, for instance, must be bold enough to match the scope of the problem.




Creating good jobs



On the first element, one of the highest priorities at the World Bank Group will be to help create jobs. How can we most effectively help regions and individual countries position themselves for private-sector-led job growth? The scope of the challenge is daunting – the world needs to create 600 million new jobs over the next decade.


围绕第一个目标,世界银行集团的最高优先事项之一将是帮助创造就业机会。我们如何才能最有效地帮助有关地区和国家创造最佳条件来促进私营部门主导的就业增长?这是一项十分艰巨的挑战—— 全球需要在未来十年内创造6亿个新的就业机会。


A critical pathway out of poverty for the poor is through providing an open and transparent connection to local and global markets. This access can unlock entrepreneurial potential for millions.




For example, one of IFC’s clients, Ecom, connects cocoa, coffee and cotton farmers in over 30 countries to global markets.  Last year, Ecom helped more than 134,000 farmers and thousands more through farmer organizations.




We also are expanding our group of partners to include those which are pioneering new business models.  Just two weeks ago, I met Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a Chinese firm that, among other things, accounted for 60 percent of the 8.8 billion packages mailed inside China last year. He showed me his black canvas shoes, which were made by a woman in a small village in China. Alibaba was able to drive logistics prices so low that this woman could market her shoes and ship them anywhere in China at a better price than the local shoe store. In just a few years, Alibaba has fostered the creation or growth of over 6 million small and medium enterprises in China.




That is an example of a transformational business model. But there are many environments that Alibaba and other companies stay away from. We at the World Bank Group serve as a trusted advisor to the private sector, and that often means we will be the first to venture into a risky environment in order to make others feel more comfortable to invest. We know that there are several trillion dollars managed by sovereign wealth funds and institutional investors; much of it is sitting on the sidelines in low-performing funds. So we will actively work to find new ways to attract these private funds to developing country projects. One recent example was our launch of the Managed Co-lending Portfolio Program in China. The Chinese government agreed to invest $3 billion, alongside IFC; other countries are expressing interest in joining the program.







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